Belashin, Avigdor-Victor (Vitya)

Belashin, Avigdor-Victor (Vitya)

Avigdor (Victor, Vitya), son of Sheyna (Sonya) and Yehuda Belashin, was born on July 30, 1905 in Yalta, Ukraine. Although he attended a state high school, he remained faithful to the Jewish national education that his parents had taught him. In 1926 he immigrated to Israel with his parents, completed his technical studies and became a founding member of the Silicate brick factory in Tel Aviv, one of the founders of the electric power station in the rivers and the main foreman in transferring electricity from there. He also worked in the Mekorot water exploration company in the Negev working hard, was also a good friend, a counselor and a guide. In the winter of 1948, he devoted all his time to preparing the “tools” for the war of defense and independence. On the 13th of Adar I 5708 (February 23, 1948), when he traveled with his friend Max Pagan, he was hit by enemy bullets near Mishmar HaEmek, and was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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