Bekenroth, Isaac

Bekenroth, Isaac

Yitzhak, son of Zina and Mordecai, was born on February 5, 1951, in Lignitz, Poland, and in 1957 immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Haifa, was drafted into the IDF in mid-February 1969 and volunteered for the paratroopers. In the course of his service he underwent a number of courses: a training course for a combat unit commander, a rifle commander’s course, a infantry training course, and a parachuting course, and Itzik treated his army service with great seriousness. He did not say much about the difficult hours he had spent, and the exhausting training, he was silent, and there was no bragging about him.In the middle of February 1972, Yitzhak completed his compulsory service and set out for civilian life, starting to work in the refineries and preparing for engineering and chemistry studies. One of the engineers said: “I’ve been working in the profession for fourteen years and I never had a talented, good and dedicated worker.” January 1973, he married his girlfriend Simcha and says, “He was an exemplary husband. He loved to cook, and always helped with the household chores and took part in the burden of the family. “The young couple went on many walks, and it was an unforgettable experience for him to go on a trip with him, and with his patience and perseverance he would sit for long hours In the Yom Kippur War, Yitzhak took part in the braking battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front as a noncommissioned sergeant on October 15, 1973, when a paratroopers jeep jeep headed for the Jedi and encountered In a large unit of enemy tanks and armored personnel carriers. In the battle that took place, Yitzhak was hurt and fell. His last words were: Ttell my wife and family that I fought for the state and I was loyal to it until the last moments.” He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. He left behind a wife, parents, and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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