Bejent, Tzilla

Bejent, Tzilla

Daughter of Isaac and Meira. She was born on March 19, 1943 in Kfar Warburg. On her mother’s side there was a third generation in Israel, the granddaughter of one of the first-timers. She completed her elementary school studies at Kfar Warburg and later attended the high school in Rehovot. Within four months – from the day she completed her matriculation exams until the day of her enlistment in the IDF in October 1961 – she discovered literary and artistic talent: she wrote many piyutim and her own walls decorated her own paintings, and even in her days of service she did not leave her expression of her emotional feelings and reflections But quietly she acted, modestly and modestly, not boasting of her actions as if she were not satisfied with them, and aspired to greater perfection and a more convincing truth, as in the IDF she successfully passed a course for clerks and also worked in this profession, Her plan was to continue to study and to study and to gain knowledge. Her steps on earth were safe and partly joyful, as attested by a worn-out daughter who had conquered all hearts. She had never known any irritation, and neither she nor Nietra was in her mind-for she had a good spirit and a good Lev for her. On 1 July 1962, she fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in the military cemetery of Kfar Warburg, where she was born.

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