Baruch, Joseph

Baruch, Joseph

Joseph, son of Miriam and Isaac, was born on 11.11.1952 in Kfar Ruppin and attended elementary school and the kibbutz high school. Yossi was sensitive and kind, but slightly different from the rest of his peers, in that he never tried to resemble the tough, self-confident sabra, the buddy, who pulled out ready solutions for every situation. Yossi did not agree to accept social conventions and would check every morning, the truths that he was taught. He was willing to fight for his opinions and reservations on various matters, even when he knew that this would lead to a clash with society. At the same time, it was always open to absorbing new ideas and concepts in all areas of life. For him, there was nothing “taboo” that knew about his existence but no one talked about. He would take every matter to the end, even if it was unpleasant, for himself and the other partners. Yossi liked the little things of life that gave them their beauty and joy: a good book, music, dancing, fresh flowers in the room. Particularly attracted to singing and dancing. On Fridays he used to concentrate the children, organize plays and dances, and enjoy them with his inventions. Yossi was very attached to animals with the children. For years he was responsible for the children’s farm and fulfilled his duties with exceptional dedication, which was particularly prominent during the War of Attrition. It was a scene that repeated itself: the last of the shells had not yet faded and Yossi was already running to the children’s farm to check on the condition of the animals. His sensitivity to everything around him also gave rise to criticism of the kibbutz. It bothered him that things were not exactly according to the ideals he had been raised on. In conversations with friends, he always promised to try and correct things when he finally had an equal friend, but he did not get it. Yossi was also a diligent student. Study and expansion have taken a prominent place in his life, especially in the last years of his studies. He was naturally curious about everything that was revealed to him. In addition, he had the desire to get to the bottom of every topic he dealt with. Thanks to this combination of curiosity and sensitivity to the depth of things, he is considered one of the best students in his class. Along with his studies, work, and treatment of the children’s agriculture, Yossi managed to play a significant role in the social activities of his peers. He was blessed with the gift of being quick and able to turn strangers into friends. Dating and meeting new people was one of his greatest pleasures. Joseph was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1971 and assigned to the infantry, and he saw no more than the fulfillment of his civic duty, and this was not the field that preoccupied his thoughts and therefore did not aspire to advance and develop in it. During his service in the army he found the right role for his personality and character: He was a combat medic, and he saw a mission that matched his education and the values ​​he grew up on and believed in. The enclave inside Syria, on the 22nd of Tishrei 5734 (October 22, 1973), in the battle for its extinguishment Hermon, killed Joseph On delivering care to the wounded under heavy fire of the enemy. He was laid-rest at the cemetery in Kfar Ruppin. Is survived by his parents, brother and sister. After falling promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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