Baruch, David (Ditch)

Baruch, David (Ditch)

Ben Juliet and Elijah. Born on the 12th of Adar 5713 (March 12, 1953) in the city of Ashkelon, where he grew up and was educated. He studied at the Arlozorov Elementary School and continued his studies at the Ort School in Ashkelon, energetic, smiling and yet shy, and he always responded to a request for help and took great care of his parents. In early May 1971, he joined the IDF, was assigned to the Armored Corps and went through the regular course of the IAF. In 1973 he participated in the Yom Kippur War in Sinai. Much has been said about his excellence in these difficult battles and the dozens of enemy vehicles he destroyed. After his discharge from the IDF, he worked in a hydraulics factory in Kiryat Gat and was involved in the development of various patents, during which time he married Edna and his three children – Inbal, Einav and Adi – were an exemplary family man who loved his daughters and was very attached to them. And participated in the Peace-Galilee War on a level that was one of the oldest soldiers in the battalion and one of the best in the tank artillery, and was always admired for his commanders and friends. In the course of his duties, and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ashkelon, leaving a woman, three daughters, a mother and two sisters – Yaffa and Irit. A letter of condolence to the bereaved family was written by his commander: “David was a very good man and soldier, he did everything that was best done and loved by everyone.” The Jewish student organization in Rome planted a tree in his memory.

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