Baruch, David (Dado)

Baruch, David (Dado)

Son of Vishnaya and Leon. He was born on the 9th of Shevat 5749 (15.1.1989) in Rehovot, and David – Dado was the best of all – was a pleasant, good-natured toddler, and his grandmother, mother of his mother, raised him until the age of eight months. He studied at the Sprinzak elementary school in Rehovot at the age of five, based on his parents’ request for a kindergarten teacher and tests he underwent in the psychological service. Dado, a smart and intelligent boy of his age, quickly adapted to school. Despite his youth, he had a high level of discernment and knew how to see things in adulthood. His parents were easy to raise. Dado was younger than his half-sister Voderna for fourteen years, and he was like a little mother to him. Among the brothers, friendship and friendship were formed. As a child he spent a lot of time in the pool, with his mother who loved to swim, and taught him to feel safe and enjoy the water. He also liked to ride a bicycle and at the age of fifteen began to practice weight lifting. And, in general, sport was an inseparable part of his life, since his parents were careful about a sporting lifestyle. From his early childhood, Dado was tall, and at the height of his growth he was almost six feet tall. For a short time he played tennis and then moved to basketball and played in Rehovot for the rest of his life. He also liked watching basketball games on television. Dado had high academic abilities, but did not like frames. Due to his mischievousness, his mother was occasionally invited to the teachers’ room. In seventh grade, he continued his studies at the ORT junior high school in Rehovot and then at the ORT high school, in a scientific class where he encouraged the students to study at the Bar-Ilan University. Dado studied at the university in order to accumulate points until the end of his high school studies. When he began high school, his parents separated and divorced. “I still remember my first meeting with Dado in the last week of vacation, before the tenth grade, when he said he hoped he would succeed and that everything would be fine, because he would probably live,” he wrote. In two places and hopes that he will manage to bring the right books, etc. In a lack of professionalism, my eyes filled with tears at the words and sensitivity of an adolescent boy, and I saw the sensitivity and softness throughout the years. Then I remembered scenes from the old ones: Dado carries Miran on his annual trip, with his excellent English, Ded And the only one in the class who knew how to say “crater” in English: Dado plays basketball with the boys, Dado arrives late to school, friends go out to Dado’s house to eat tasty things that you left in the fridge, and when the manager proves his negative behavior He complains that he broke a part of him that paid him a lot of money (and I burst out laughing at the way things were said), the excitement of all the friends before going to Croatia to your sister and then the stories and the experiences. ” Dado traveled abroad and visited almost every summer, from the age of seven, his grandmother and his aunt in Zagreb, Croatia, and at the beach – at the summer home of the family – at the age of 10. He spent a month with the Croatian family and acquired the language When his mother arrived in Croatia a month later, she was astonished at his command of the language: Dado was a happy child, very friendly, surrounded by friends who enjoyed spending time with him. She enjoyed the trips and the group there for three weeks, during which time he enjoyed himselfAnd from your computer and gadgets, like those on cell phones. He loved music and even knew how to sing rap songs. In a booklet that his unit published in his memory, his friends dedicated one of the songs he loved: Welcome To The Black “Parade” by the rock band “My Chemical Romance”. Dado was a modest fellow in his soul, and it was outwardly apparent, for example, in his attire; he never wore any brands except the sneakers he needed for the basketball games. He was hungry for life, and one of his friends eulogized him: “Dado lived life a hundred miles an hour.” Dado was a warm man and loved to hug his mother when they met, and he shared his mother openly with every adventure or experience in his life. When he began to smoke a hookah, he continued to look after his family as a devoted and loving son of his mother, and when she fell ill he sat with her all night in the hospital. , Asked to devote time to her, to accompany his mother and to help her in the wake of medical treatments that were supposed to pass He earned pocket money from his parents, but from the age of sixteen he worked in a fast-food chain and as a shaliach in a pizzeria to become financially independent and earn money instead of asking for his parents, and he worked hard and financed his driver’s license. At the age of seventeen, Dado enlisted in the IDF to serve in the air force. After a short period of time at Air Force Base 8, he joined the F-15 aircraft maintenance team in the Avionics Laboratories Department as an integration technician. Major Shoham Kulan, head of integration, and his colleagues said that Dado had a lot of professional knowledge and gold hands. The field of integration deals with the testing and proofing of operational systems and processes in the final stages of development, before they become operational operational systems in the air force. Dado’s job was to maintain and develop the laboratories of the F-15 aircraft, unique laboratories in the world and very expensive. Dado grew up as a professional technician in the unit and did his job in the best possible way. He did not like to get bored and always found a topic to promote, showed initiative, independence of thought and contributed greatly to the development of important and innovative operational capabilities of the Air Force, and as a result of the strengthening of the State of Israel. Dado, a sociable, smiling and always full of joie de vivre, humorously integrated into the unit socially and acquired many friends. He was a beautiful, intelligent, naughty boy. Therefore, it is no wonder that within a short time he captured the hearts of his comrades in the unit. Dado had a sense of play combined with a sense of humor and he entertained and imitated all those around him. A friend from the base said: “It’s only you Dado, who made us smile and drive us through difficult times and laugh in sad days … You shaped our personality as mature people with a joy of life who know how to laugh a bit in this mess called the army. All these days we were sitting in the hut, guessing the trivia that was in the newspaper every day, making jokes, listening to loud music … sometimes working too slowly, the work ethic you developed slowly showed me how special you were. You should have been there, helped and supported us in whatever you could help … “When Dado played a ball In the sport of the unit, he surprised his friends his athleticism, hovering on his way to hang on the rim and his sporting spirit. He took part in the basketball team at the base and even won second place in the Israel Air Force Championship in 2007. About a month before his death,On a single evening, Dado and Geffen won the competition for the perfect couple, even though they were the youngest couple. They fascinated everyone. The prize they received was not realized. Geffen was a very significant person for Dado. Between Dado and Gefen there was a love of soul, true and pure love, and the connection between them was very deep despite their young age. Dado wrote a personal diary in which he recounted his feelings and experiences with his girlfriend Geffen and his military service. He also told his friends about his plans for the future, as a friend testified to the army: “You wanted so much peace and quiet, so you wanted to break free and find your happiness in your difficult life … We sat in the hut and grooved some braid to thunder. You told me enthusiastically about the flight to Croatia and about your aunt’s upcoming wedding, and you really wanted to get on the plane and visit your little family abroad, which you rarely see. “Dado served in the unit for about two years. On his motorcycle in the streets, collided with a truck, was critically wounded, and rushed to the hospital, after Dado’s girlfriend, Geffen and his friends from the bedside base His wife did not get out of bed and stayed there for days and nights during his entire hospitalization, all waiting for him to wake up with hopes and fears, but Dado did not recover, and three weeks later he died of his wounds at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. This past month we accompanied Dado and you in the hospital, confident that he would wake up, trust his strength and youth, and hang every glimmer of hope in his eyes. “He said. David (Dado) Baruch fell during his service on the 16th of Tammuz 5769 (16.7.2009), at the age of twenty fell. He was laid to rest in the Rehovot military cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. David (Dado) Baruch was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant after his death. On his gravestone the family rebuked the words: “Your wide smile, your many stories, will accompany us forever.” Zvika, a member of the unit, wrote in a booklet that they published in his memory: “As long as you are missing, there is no day when I pass by the chair on which you sat and my heart is not filled with sadness, Which was a kind of window, from which you could look at your charismatic personality and wonderful qualities, unconditional friendship, joy, laughter, heartiness, support and understanding, all these and more were a significant part of my life in integration. It is more difficult, when it occurs so sudden and tragic, sadness and pain are still a central part of your memory, At the same time, I feel that I must try and hold on to the good memories that are left of you … I’m sure you would expect me to drive, I believe that time will do it more simply. The soul you shared with me in your life – with your love, with your friends, with your concern for your mother … every time I go into the offices of the field … I remember the laughs and the stupid things you used to do, how you would always say, ‘I’m bored with the voice and the smile that you can not forget. In your recent period you have matured a lot and discovered responsibility and initiative in life in general and in the field in particular … Dado, you were a dear friend and always knew how to make fun of moments of sadness and make us smile, Remember you forever. ” His friends from different periods of his life opened two Facebook cards in his memory.

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