Bachrach, Abraham-Isaac

Bachrach, Abraham-Isaac

Born in 1916 in Pinsk, Poland, to a working family, he was educated in a vocational school, where he excelled in his studies, and developed a developed aesthetic sense and tended to help his friends. He was among the first to immigrate to Eretz Israel on an illegal immigration ship, and after a training period in the “Mekorot” group (now Kfar Glickson), nine young men went to the agricultural farm in Czestochowa, And among them, the settlement of Hadar, where Givat Ha’Ma’apilim were founded He went to work in the local carpentry shop, returned late in the evening, and began to deal with the group’s affairs, but also held responsible positions in the organization, culture and security of his group. He was an active member of the Haganah on 20 July 1944 during a course for waiters, in which he served as an instructor eight months after his immigration to Israel. He died while carrying out his duties in a traffic accident in the neighboring town of Be’er Tuvia. Two of his friends were also killed. He was laid to rest on 1 July 1944. In the cemetery of Hamama-Nitzanim, he left a pregnant wife who gave birth to a daughter after his death, and after his death his friends wrote in his journal: “The best members … And the courage. Young and loyal friends, sons of Hamama and its defenders. “

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