Avraham, Kochav

Avraham, Kochav

Son of Zippora and Shai (Juma’a). Was born on December 13, 1969 to a family of farm workers in moshav Sadeh Terumim, a moshav of Bikura, a beautiful and happy child, who was carried on the wings of his imagination. This adventure, of course, was in the hospital, where he studied at the Bikura Elementary School and at the age of twelve he moved to Kfar Hasidim, a religious youth village, where he completed his studies. Kochav was very attached to his parents, and even though the years passed, he could not overcome his longing for them and took every opportunity to leave the boarding school and to live At the same time he helped his father with his agricultural work, and during the period of his army service, Kochav maintained a stable relationship with his family and his mother. When he was 17 years old, he received a driver’s license and his life miraculously took advantage of two road accidents that occurred to him: a great crisis occurred when his good friend Avshalom Bashari, Killed on the Lebanese border. Kochav drove his friends by car to visit Avshalom’s mother. When he reached the army, Kochav decided to join the Nahal Dekel nucleus, but returned after a while. He enlisted in February 1988 and served as a car mechanic at the Ordnance Corps. “Kochav was a good friend of his colleagues in the Gideon camp,” the commander of his unit noted after his death. “He liked to go to aid cells in Jenin.” On the 18th of Av 5749 (19.8.1989) a star fell while serving. He was critically wounded in a road accident that took place late at night on the Namir road in Tel Aviv, near Tel Baruch junction. Kochav drove with his girlfriend in his car, and there was a malfunction in the car. The two stopped at the side of the road and waited for help. A driver who passed by stopped and offered his help. Suddenly, a car came up behind them and its driver did not notice the parked car, when he saw it and tried to stop it, he could no longer prevent the collision. Kochav was brought to Ichilov Hospital, breathing. He was operated on and in the recovery room he suffered cardiac arrest. His resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful, and he died. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Sade Terumot. He was nineteen when he died. Survived by his parents, three sisters – Irit, Etty and Oshra and two brothers – Assi and Dudi. At his funeral, his classmate said: “Kochav was a true friend, he was a good guy, it’s a shame the good guys go, yes, stars sometimes fall.”

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