Avidar-Shahar, Guy

Avidar-Shahar, Guy

Ben Tobi and Jacob. He was born in Tel Aviv on Shavuot, on the 5th of Sivan 5737 (22.5.1977), brother to Ronen and Lior, and at the age of five he moved to Herzliya, where he studied at the “Shazar” elementary school, Giora “and the” Rishonim “high school in the city, where he finished twelfth grade with full matriculation, and since he was little he wanted to do a lot and fast. He always loved and always laughed, and he liked to experiment with everything possible – from sports, basketball, soccer, tennis and judo, to horseback riding to art, computers and chess. Gai was a sensitive and caring child who knew how to give and give, knew how to hug, to say a good word and to encourage when he needed to, and his younger brothers loved and admired him very much, but not only them. In the beginning of August 1995, Guy enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the Artillery Corps. He had completed basic training in Shivta with honors, and was to serve in an elite secret unit of the corps. The project was frozen for an unknown time, and Gei was re-assigned to the observation tower as a combat observer. He was posted to Lebanon at the Taibeh post and spent eight months there. During this period he participated in Operation Grapes of Wrath. He then passed a commanders’ course and was stationed at the “Karkom” post, where he served for about six months. Guy was described by his commanders as a professional soldier with a high personal level, who performed his duties in the best possible way, while expressing independence and striving for perfection in all his missions. Guy stood out in his energy and the joy of life that flowed from him. In his last year he had a great and special love with his girlfriend Miri. The two men were intertwined and even began to talk about their plan to marry. Guy fell during his service on Saturday, 8 November 1997. He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Herzliya and was survived by his parents, two brothers, a grandfather and a grandmother, both Holocaust survivors from Salonika, Greece , Who lost their entire family in Auschwitz, and on the first anniversary of his downfall, Guy’s mother wrote a letter to God: “Dear God, peace be upon you! I’m writing to you about Guy, my son, who’s at your place. I mean – that I understand you, it means your choice. If you had given me a different option, I would have chosen, in fact, why choose someone just when you can take something perfect? And in fact, I did not have a chance in front of you. It was a lost battle in the first place because I’m near you so small, and only in the little fairy tales do you beat the great ones like you, God. In fact, I wanted to say thank you for leaving me the same 20 years and I want you to know that during this time he was here with me, he lacked nothing – I gave him everything possible to make him happy. I want to tell you in a letter about a few things he loved to give. Have a few ‘tips’ that will make it easier for him. For example, he liked to wear jerseys and shorts and be surrounded by a lot of friends to listen to rhythmic music and to drive cars and action movies and laughter and sweet dessert – vanilla ice cream with cookies and lasagna, and food with mushrooms and sunglasses – this is also necessary when it’s dark outside and if you can – Because he did not have time to be there because of the shortness of time and finally, give him kisses, do you hear him and tell him that I do not stop longing and if there isWhat are the questions – you know – that I’m always here for him and if you happen to decide enough, and you do not want him anymore, in the valley, then … do not hesitate! Send him to me soon – I want him so much back … “Another song written by the mother:” If you were here with us today, you were 28 years old. I wonder – what would you look like? Would you learn? Where would you work? Maybe you were already married and father to the children, and we had grandchildren … and your two brothers, Ronen and Lior, were already uncles? All we have left of you are only memories I leaf through sadly in the photo albums, and you laugh at me from there, your charming laugh – and my heart contracts with longing and pain. I remember … When you were a little boy, you loved to listen to the stories, and there were several selected stories that you preferred to others: You loved the story about Peter Pan, the eternal child who never grew up and grew old, 20. And the story about the goldfish and the three wishes … You always wondered what you would have asked if you had met him. And only the third wish never changed, you held on to your hand, stroked it … and asked in your childish voice, “Mother, always stay with me.” But you left me … and the story that was most beloved of you, ‘The Golden Heart Flower’ – a moving and sad story. You knew how to recite it verbally and clearly, you promised that you, too, like the child in the story, would not hesitate for a moment and go searching for me in a distant country, the special and special flower. And I did not imagine then that the flower to which I desire is you, and that ‘paradise’ is that distant land. You, Guy, my flower … that was taken from my garden, and without you, I can never be me. “Guy was commemorated in a memory booklet prepared by students at the school The “Rishonim” high school, which was uploaded to the school’s website at http://come.to/harishonim, is engraved on the memorial wall at the school.

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