Atias, Shai (Shimon)

Atias, Shai (Shimon)

Ben Malka and Avraham, the eldest brother of Matan and Ofir. He was born on 26.1.1987 in Bat Yam, In July 2005 Shai enlisted in the Navy, completed the formation of the missile boats and was accepted into a course called “A” in the missile ships. From there he went to a course in Naval Intelligence, underwent training and was ordained a cattle controller. For nine months he served in this position, in the framework of which he was involved in operational activities in the sea as a marine intelligence fighter. Shai received warm assessments from his commanders, who defined him as “a cute young man” and said that he was a smiling, professional and determined soldier who fulfilled the tasks assigned to him, understood the importance of his field and showed responsibility, dedication and caring. Shai was fond of his friends and commanders in the cell and outside it and acquired many friends. He loved his service as an intelligence officer in the navy and gave great pride to his family. In his pleasant manner, in his values ​​and in his heart, he was an example to all his friends and acquaintances. In the words of Tanya, his friend in the unit: “Shay, from the moment you got to the cell, I knew you would not be just another” someone from the army, “that you would be a friend, a friend who was fun to be with, always funny to everyone, a friend who could be consulted and told, A friend who can always be trusted, a true friend … You made our service unforgettable … “Shay fell on the second day of the Second Lebanon War in a battle off the shores of Beirut on the 19th of Tammuz 5766 14 July 2006). The naval vessel “Hanit” in which he served was hit by a missile fired by Hezbollah and hit the back. Shai was killed on the spot. With him advanced sergeant Dov (Dubi) Sternschuss, First Sergeant Tal Amgar and First Sergeant Yaniv Hershkovitz. Shai was nineteen and a half when he fell. On the anniversary of his enlistment, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by parents, brother and sister. After his death he was promoted to sergeant.

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