Asulin, Iris

Asulin, Iris

Daughter of Miriam and Albert. She was born on July 8, 1968 in Be’er Sheva. She studied at the Netaim Elementary School in Beer-Sheva and completed her studies at the city’s high school. Iris was recruited to the IDF in December 1986 and volunteered for the Nahal Brigade as part of the “Katlav” nucleus for Kibbutz Ein Zivan. Together with her friends, she went through a Nahal training course, basic training, a farm department in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, six months in the Elisha Nahal outpost in the Jordan Valley, and then another period in Kibbutz Ein Zivan, : “Everyone fits. All you have done is just mood, for us, for the core, in the army for all the commanders. From corporal to officer, everyone loved you, and could not resist your laughter. ” Yoram adds: “I will always remember you as a girl who could give, but she also knew how to demand, and what you said is a lot of laughter.” Tamir says: “You know – you’re exactly the opposite: open, not ashamed of anything, laughing.” On April 16, 1988, Iris fell in the line of duty and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. She left three parents – Arieh, Yosef and Rami – and three sisters – Esther, Orna and Orit. Her parents donated a Torah library to the Shaare Zedek Synagogue near the Netaim School in Beer Sheva. Members of the nucleus published a booklet in her memory that included things about her image. This is how her friend, Rakefet, writes: “Iris, the big girl from Be’er Sheva, who made this part of my family part of my family, you were one of those dear people who just loved life and loved to live. Nothing seems crude or dirty to you, maybe because you loved this life so much, and you had a lot of life wisdom, there would be no one to prepare the sharp chicken and the meat for everyone, and I would have no more to say, wait, Wait, look what laughter is when you meet our Iris. “

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