Assouline, Assaf

Assouline, Assaf

Son of Naomi and Elijah. Born on August 8, 1972 in Tel Aviv, a younger brother of three-year-old Ronen. When Assaf was six years old, his brother Itai was born. Assaf grew up in the Yad Eliyahu neighborhood and attended the Rokach Elementary School. When he was ten years old, his father, Eliyahu, died after six years in which the house functioned around the father’s illness, and since then he has gathered to help manage the house, as if he had taken upon himself this role. About three years later, on a trip by Assaf and his friends in 1985, his mother met Amnon Erez, Assaf’s counselor, and after a while they moved in together, and the two daughters of Amnon – Liat and Galit were added to the family. In July 1987 Nir, the youngest brother in the family, was born. After completing elementary school, Assaf continued to junior high school at Ironi Tet High School in Yad Eliyahu. At the age of six, at the summer camp in 1978, he studied swimming in the Galit Pool, where he studied at the Gymnasium in Herzliya, He joined the Sea Scouts in Jaffa and since then became a major activist in the Shvat, was a trainee, completed a course for boat commanders, was certified as a speedboat pilot and yacht, and was a guide and coordinator of a class, teacher and marine sports instructor. Years later, during his career in the army, Assaf was a counselor for the parents’ club in the “Sea Scouts” troop in Jaffa, and was also involved in paragliding, water skiing and snow skiing. HL, and after formulation was elected on a single server engagement of paratroopers. After the combat route he was sent to an officer’s course, and in August 1993 he was ordained as an officer. Assaf served as the commander of the team at the Raven, as a lieutenant colonel and as deputy commander of the unit, and in 1995 he was sent to a company commanders’ course. In the certificate of appreciation given to him by the Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, it was written: “He fulfills his duty in a responsible and serious manner, while going down to detail, demonstrating a personal example. At the end of 1995, Assaf completed his course as a company commander and was appointed commander of a company of recruits, a class in November 1995. On the meeting with Assaf, the commander of the brigade training base said: “It is immediately clear that this man is ready to study. Curiosity and openness, diligence and industriousness were found in abundance … He could always listen to a different opinion, to a different position, to derive the information he needed. He also had an opinion of his own, but with great talent he had the feeling that this was his opinion, and it was not necessary to accept it. Toward the end of 1996, at the end of the course, the soldiers wrote to their commander Assaf: “What will we write and what you are told, the divine image that accompanied us for 14 whole months … Maybe it does not look like you From the outside, but know that we know that you have taken care of us above and beyond, and you have given everything for the company. What made you, without thinking twice, the best company commander in the paratroops … “Paratroopers, excellence, demands, striving for touch, and more … ‘These are some of the things that accompanied us throughout the long period we went through together. Asaf wrote to his soldiers: “From this moment on, you are commanded to give a personal example, while displaying responsibility and independence in every mission and task … Dear fighters, Remember that this is another ladder but this is not the end, and you must prove that you deserve this status until your last day in the unit, An aspiration for excellence will lead the team and the unit to achievements and success. ” At the end of 1996, Assaf went on unpaid leave and traveled to South America for more than a year. In all his vacations from the army, Assaf used to volunteer on behalf of youth, and when he traveled abroad he spent part of the time caring for children in an orphanage.And Ofek, which planned to study academic studies during the service. He was appointed commander of the Paratroopers’ School, later a commanding officer in the Paratroopers Brigade, and in June 2000 he was promoted to Major and appointed to the prestigious position of Commander of the Engineering Corps Company of the Paratroopers Brigade. The Paratroopers. Assaf was a determined and determined commander who used to ask his commander from time to time: “I hope I do not interfere, but I heard that there is an operation in the neighboring sector. “Asaf led his unit slowly up the road, not in the revolutions of a driver, but rather worked his way through chisel work, patiently, persistently and stubbornly, until he set up a stable and organized unit, Abu Sneina and the explosion of buildings used to fire at the Jewish settlement in Hebron. ” Assaf also knew how to take care of his soldiers and to be their father. He often donated his money to needy soldiers, but he always did so through the company clerk, so that they would not know that the money had come from him. In early 2000, Assaf met Anat, a resident of Moshav Hatzeva. Their love flourished, and after a short time the couple moved to Moshav Orot in the south. The two married in a civil marriage contract in February 2002 and planned to marry in September of that year at a wedding for the rabbinate. The two began building their home in Moshav Hazeva in the Arava. In September 2001, Assaf was sent to study at the Military Academy of Command and Staff, in preparation for his promotion to senior positions in the army: “In your quiet and intelligent eyes you follow the events,” one of the college teachers told him. And then, in the inner silence that so characterizes you, in your magical modesty, you make a comment, illuminate our eyes with a taste of knowledge, and with your shy smile sit back in that corner of nobility that you have built. “At the end of March 2002, Assaf left the POAM and returned to the company he commanded, in order to fight with them. On the 29th of Nisan 5762 (April 9, 2002) Assaf fell in battle in Nablus. While searching for wanted men, he was accidentally shot by an Israeli soldier who was mistaken in his identity and was killed on the spot. He was almost thirty years old in the fall. On 11 April 2002 he was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by his parents, five brothers and sisters and a life partner.

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