Artzi, Aryeh

Artzi, Aryeh

Aryeh, son of Esther and Moshe-Reuven, was born on the 28th of Iyar 5705 (11.5.1945) in Kfar Saba. He attended the religious-religious elementary school of the Mizrachi network and later went on to study at the Katznelson High School. After completing one year of studies, he moved to the Mikvah Israel school, seeing his future in agriculture. Aryeh was an outstanding student with a systematic and thorough thought and a serious and mature approach to studies and work. He had excellent leadership and authority. He excelled in great organizational ability and ability to perform tasks in perfection and accuracy. All his actions were done with determination and devotion to the goal and with a clear knowledge that the path he is taking is the right path. Arieh was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-May 1963. He completed his course in infantry, completed a course for squad commanders and was sent to an officers’ course, where he learned about the importance of armor and realized that there were many possibilities for advancement in this field. Aryeh chose to volunteer for military service in the IDF, in recognition of the needs of the army and his army. The IDF and the State of Israel, and in view of his role as a mission, he was an excellent commander, Accurately and completely performed the tasks assigned to him. Even his soldiers and his superiors respected him and he was given. He successfully completed a course for company commanders and held numerous positions in the Armored Corps. He was a company commander, operations officer and operations officer in the brigade of tanks. In February 1972 Aryeh was discharged from the rank of Major and was appointed deputy battalion commander in a reserve unit of the Armored Corps. After completing his military service, he worked at the Statistics Center and then continued his studies at Bar-Ilan University. He built his home in Netanya, where he lived with his wife Devorah, who married in 1969, and his daughter Ganit. During the Yom Kippur War, his battalion participated in the braking battles against the Egyptian army in the central sector of the Suez Canal. During the majority of the fighting, Arieh served as battalion commander on October 21, 1973. Arieh was killed in the shelling and was brought to eternal rest in the Kfar Saba cemetery, leaving behind a wife, daughter, Brother and sister, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, who was retroactively awarded to him on October 6, 1973. In the newspaper “Shearim” on the tenth of Tevet 5734, a list of his path and work was published, Ilan, shlita on the thirtieth day for receiving the news of his fall in combat.

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