Argov, Ran

Argov, Ran

Ran, son of Ora and Levi, was born on 11 October 1953 in Gedera, after his family moved to Moshav Kidron, where he studied at the Beit Or elementary school, where he graduated from high school He was a farmer in “Kfar HaYarok” and passed his matriculation exams, and Ran, who was known as Rani, grew up in a rural atmosphere, his house was large and open to guests, Haim, a partner in the pranks of his friends, but knows how to stop them when things began to go beyond playing. He worked in irrigation and pruning, set up a small livestock farm and cared for animals, with love and concern, had a developed sense of technology, spent long hours repairing and renovating vehicles and agricultural machinery. He loved neatness, had strict self-discipline, guided him in everything he did, and was honest and had his own moral views.after graduating from elementary school, he chose to continue his agricultural studies at the high school in the village Green. ” The period of study there left her mark on him, humiliated him and shaped his personality. He carried out the duties assigned to him in the farm. He quickly became the central figure in the children’s society in the village and was chosen to be the center of the agriculture – the most important role that a student has to play. In this capacity he was revealed as a person with a thorough and systematic thought, and serious and mature judgment. He activated his friends, took care of the meticulous performance of the tasks assigned to him and became a personal example and a symbol of an excellent student and an organization. Rani was a perpetual subject of emulation and learning, a noble figure who had made her mark on all aspects of village life. In his wisdom, he managed to penetrate the soul of his friends, to understand their difficulties and hardships, to listen to their problems and to support all those who had difficulty in their work and private life. It has become a pillar and a source of strength for many, and at times it did so without it becoming known or felt. He had a pleasant sense of humor, combined words of sharpness and wit. However, he was an admired figure, because of his adult seriousness, the responsibility he took upon himself and his sober judgment. Rani loved nice things. He was a young man with a sensitive soul, loved to spend time with his many friends and could spend long hours talking seriously with his girlfriend about the issues that troubled him. He loved art films, listened to music and mainly to songs and songs. With his girlfriend he went on trips around the country and spent long days on the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee or on the heights of Mount Hermon. He was a connoisseur and sometimes preferred to finish an evening of dining at a fine restaurant. During his studies he developed a special relationship with his family. Although he aspired to be independent and independent and therefore dealt in the distribution of newspapers and other jobs, to earn pocket money; But he was connected to the house, spent all his holidays there and loved to be in the family. He was the guide to his younger brother and had a great influence on his design and development. His teachers said of Rani: “He is consistent with the goals he sets for himself, works more than expected, creates, initiates, actively controls and influences his friends, takes on a lot of responsibility and tasks, is very popular with his friends, The child grew up and became an intellectually and morally flourish boy.If the boy happened to have an argument with an adult about a social issue and brought with him evidence that ‘even Rani said so,’ he signed the The debate with Rani could not be argued with disbeliefTo his intellectual integrity. You could not suspect him, because he was persistent and holding his mind out of inertia and casual obstinacy. In the summer of 1970, Rani set out on a tour of Western Europe and spent time in England and Germany, when the War of Attrition ended in August 1970 and the cease-fire came into effect. He wrote from England: “I was Simcha to read here in the newspaper that there is a cease-fire, There will be peace. “Ran was drafted into the IDF in early February 1972 and assigned to the Armored Corps. He completed his basic training as an apprentice, and was trained as a lieutenant and commander of a tank. During the course he took part in operational activities in the Golan Heights and in the Lebanon area, where he successfully passed the officers ‘examinations and successfully completed a course for officers in the IDF officers’ school. Armored Corps Officers Course He quickly and easily adapted to the difficult conditions of service, including his unit and the Armored Corps School, becoming the central and admired figure, always willing to help anyone in need and his peace of mind and his cool during the difficult hours of training and operational activity. In his skills, he was entrusted with many tasks with the clear knowledge that he would carry out his duties with Dye Daughters and integrity. Erev Yom Kippur Tsl”d flown to Sinai, to join the fighting forces. When the fighting broke out, the unit went out to participate in stopping the Egyptians, who had crossed the Suez Canal. The harsh war and the losses suffered by the unit had a severe impact on Rani and made him angry. He wished for the end of the battles, to return and fulfill his dreams of his own farm. During the difficult fighting hours, Rani did not lose his efficiency and initiative. He coolly treated the wounded and helped the soldiers, who were in shock, to recover and resume their duties. On the 8th of Tishrei 5734 (October 8, 1973), in the Battle of Hamutal and Mechas, Ran’s tank was hit and he was killed. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Moshav Kidron. Survived by his parents and two brothers. After being killed, he was granted the rank of lieutenant colonel. His parents published a pamphlet in his memory of his parents, teachers, classmates and military service, as well as excerpts from his diary and letters he wrote.

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