Apanger, Abraham

Apanger, Abraham

Avraham, son of Esther and Moshe, was born in 1955 in Bnei Sabakh, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1962. He studied at the Yemin Herzog Elementary School in Eilat and at the comprehensive professional high school in Eilat. Abraham was an optimistic boy, cheerful and Simcha, he was always willing to help anyone with advice or action, and he did it with a smile and good will. He had many friends and everyone liked him for his easy temper, honesty, love of life, and the man who radiated from him. From childhood he was a devoted son to his parents, taking care of his brothers and willing to help them whenever he was asked. His brother mentions him as a son who has always been “the pride of the family.” He liked to play sports and spent many hours on the beach, for he excelled in swimming and rowing and eventually built a small wooden boat of his own. He had a collection of stamps and records, and his spare time divided his many hobbies, including playing guitar and listening to music. Avraham was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-October 1973 and was assigned to the Supply Corps, and after completing basic training, he was sent to one of the training bases as a truck driver on March 12, 1974, The truck that drove him was killed and brought to rest in the cemetery in Eilat.

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