Anaki, Zion

Anaki, Zion

Son of Yahya and Sa’ada. He was born on Sunday, March 31, 1951. He studied at the “Tachkemoni” school in Rehovot and later at Yeshivat Or Yitzhak in Yehud, where he completed his elementary studies at Yesod HaTorah, Of the Independent Education Center in Rehovot, studied at the youth center for education and vocational training in Kiryat Malachi, was a good athlete, took a lot of photography and loved to go on trips all over the country and was drafted into the IDF in February 1970. At first he was disqualified for health reasons, Judgment. After he succeeded in convincing the military authorities, he underwent medical examinations and was finally found fit to serve in one of the IDF’s selected infantry units, and despite his many difficulties and obstacles, he succeeded in his job and proved his ability beyond any doubt. (September 15, 1972), two months before his release, fell in a confrontation with the enemy, in a face-to-face combat with a terrorist squad in the north. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot. The commander of the unit wrote a letter of condolence to his family and said: “Your son – our friend belonged to a combat unit that bears the burden of Israel’s security in the various sectors and even beyond the border, which is a good part of it. – did with exemplary behavior worthy of all praise, and lost one of its best fighters. ” Not far from where he fell was erected a memorial to his memory and his friends who fell in battle.

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