Amon (Rubinstein), Baruch (Bobby)

Amon (Rubinstein), Baruch (Bobby)

Son of-Zion and Yehuda Rubinstein, Habima actors. He was born on April 29, 1927 in the city of Wilmington, in the United States. When he was six weeks old, his parents sailed from America to Europe and he wandered from city to city and from theater to theater across Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and more. In the month of Adar 1928, when he was 11 months old, his parents immigrated to Israel, and when he was two and a half years old, he returned to Europe with his parents, but from the age of four he remained in Israel, where he studied at the ” “And completed his studies there in 1944. From that year on, he served in the National Guard for ten months in the Wadi Falik region and spent one year as a guard in Tel Litvinsky, and in 1946 he began studying at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Jerusalem. In the summer of 1947, he participated in maneuvers and patrols, From December 1947 – after the UN resolution – until July 1948 he fought in Jerusalem: in Katamon, in Talpiot, in the Old City, in Makor Baruch, accompanied by convoys to Kfar Etzion, in Ramat Rachel (defended and protected it from the roof of the dining room) To the agriculture); Baruch trained and trained freshmen from the Eastern communities and was among those who broke out of the siege on Makor Haim. Between action and action he dealt with his studies and his aspiration to complete his university studies at the end of the war. Baruch was a strong, fair-eyed lad, humble, with a poetic soul and even wrote poems. In his poem “Come to Halutz,” which was published in 1936, at the age of nine, it was as if he had foretold his fate: “Fields are sown, trees are planted. He sang his songs to himself, revealing his affectionate attitude to Ilan and Nir in the homeland, to Daughter of-Ha’Emek (“and you, the brown man, the papercloth, the hose that plows under a plow’s tooth”), “He was a disciplined soldier who fulfilled his duties with precision.” “I do everything I can,” he said in his last poem: “You will not be abandoned, you will not be abandoned, Jerusalem, our blood and our spirits wherever we turn, you will return to your greatness. “He was always used to saying honestly and simply: He was blessed with peace of mind, and he did not want to take revenge on the Arabs when he wanted to be sent to the officers’ school. His death sent a letter full of hope to his parents, and he was wounded in his hand, but did not agree to stay and joined the outgoing force, with his classmates advancing at night to conquer the Hirbet Abu-Lehem outpost on the morning of the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948) Many soldiers of the Arab Legion are in a difficult place to defend. His class demanded reinforcements, but it arrived two hours later and the class had to disperse. Baruch was hit in the head by an Arab sniper’s bullet and fell shortly before the start of the second truce. Her fiancee was about to marry her. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant. Left rich song estate. On the 11th of Adar 5702 (February 28, 1950), the bones and bones of the Abu Lahm martyrs were transferred to a mass grave in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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