Alfasi, Shimon (Alfonso)

Alfasi, Shimon (Alfonso)

Shimon (Alfonso)Alfasi son of Tziona and Moshe, born on July 12, 1925, in Tel Aviv and completed his studies at the BILU school in Tel Aviv, In 1943, he joined the Palmach and worked at Kibbutz Givat Brenner, where he received his military and agricultural training and was promoted to the rank of platoon commander. During the Second Aliyah, Shimon participated in various activities and also in “Wingate Night”and in the bombing of the bridges. He was an excellent tour guide and well acquainted with the paths of the country. After the “Black Sabbath,” when the British arrested many Palmach members, Shimon and Bila were arrested for six months in Rafiah. In the War of Independence he took part in many operations, including an operation against the village of Yasur, the protection of the Jewish National Fund’s home in Beit Dagon, the bombing of Hassan Salameh headquarters and accompanying convoys to Jerusalem. In preparation for the “Nachshon” operation, the Castel was conquered. The Arabs carried out counter-attacks in order to return this vital control to their hands and on the night of April 7-8, their commander Abd al-Qader al-Husseini was killed. On the 28th of Adar II 5708, (8.4.1948), the Arab forces carried out a fierce attack to capture the place and find the body of their leader. The Palmach platoon, which belonged to the 5th Battalion of the Harel Brigade, came out as reinforcements for Castel and its members covered the retreat of the defenders of the Castel, and gave the order: “The privates will retreat, the commanders will remain cover.” After his fall, Shimon was promoted to Lieutenant, and on the 12th of Kislev 5714 (19.11.1953) he laid rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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