Ajami, Nazem-Ezra

Ajami, Nazem-Ezra

Born in Baghdad in 1926, his father, who had a silk mill, worried for the education of his son and allowed him to graduate from high school. He arrived in Israel after wanderings, in 1945, and soon adapted to the new life and work conditions and living conditions in Manshiyeh, near Jaffa, and later joined the ranks of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), where he stood out as a courageous, intelligent young man with a sense of humor and good temper. The British Air Force in Kastina in the south of the country was appointed to serve as a scout and guide and to acquire information to assist On 25 Adar (26.2.1946), the attack was carried out, during which twelve planes were destroyed and seven planes were badly sabotaged, and Ezra served as a searcher, the soldiers retreated from the nearby orchard and Ezra was wounded and fell in the mud. His friends carried their wounded comrade on a stretcher but Ezra died shortly thereafter. The next day, the body was brought by the British to the nearby village of Be’er Tuvia. The moshav honored the nameless warrior and placed an honor guard around his coffin until the funeral. All the inhabitants of the place – men, women and children – went to accompany him to eternal rest. He was buried in Beer Tuvia in the name of Avraham son of Avraham. The chapters of his life and heroism are published in “Memories of Eternity” in the Yizkor Book of Heroes of the Irgun Zvai Leumi.

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