Admoni, Shalom

Admoni, Shalom

Son of Dvora and David-Yosef, was born on the 19th of Heshvan, 14.11.1927, in Tel Aviv. A short time before the War of Independence, he was transferred to Hachash and his job was to guard the suburbs of the city. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he enlisted immediately, and served in the Givati ​​Brigade. He fought in the neighborhoods of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Hartuv, and from there he went with his battalion to the south. From there Shalom was sent to a course for scouts in Sarona. At the beginning of the month of Nissan he took part as an expert scout in the raid on the village of Beit Daras and despite being wounded himself, he carried a second wounded soldier on his back and brought him safely to base. Thanks to this act of heroism, Shalom was given permission to celebrate the Passover holiday with his family. On 14 Nisan 5708, April 23, 1948, he lost his life in a road accident on the route of Gedera-Tel Aviv and was buried in Gedera. On the 7th of Tamuz, (22.6.1950) he was transfered to the military cemetery in Nachalat Yitzhak.

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