Abramowitz, Amir

Abramowitz, Amir

The young son of Marta and Benjamin. Amir was born in Tivon on September 25, 1980. Brother to Dina and Azriel. Amir grew up in a warm home, with a sister and a much older brother and a boxer dog who had a sister, his father recalls. He studied in Kiryat Tivon, from the “Narcissus” elementary school, and went on to the “Ort” high school named after Greenberg, who graduated with honors in electronics. A friend of the brother said, “From a young age, I remember you as an athlete, and as a child, your brother Azriq taught you ground gymnastics, and there is a good chance that there was no child in Tivon who did more push-ups than you. When we grew up and called Azerik, I usually heard that you were just going to the Muharka by bike from the valley, or that you were riding seventy or one hundred kilometers, for your pleasure. ” Amir loved films and books on science, science fiction and fantasy, and from a young age his love for the virtual world stood out in parallel to dealing with real and real things. From childhood to the end of his life, Amir was an avid amateur of computer games such as World of Warcraft WOW, D & D Dungeons and Dragons, MAGIC. And even though they play games through the computer, he later knew his partners in a game in different countries, and some of them became real friends. As an adult, Amir was invited to London for a birthday party of one of his playmates. Amir flew to London and they spent a few days together in the city. “He knew how to give without talking, but with deeds, with his presence, with his participation, and every year he took care of the family skiing and no trip to an exotic place in the east would have tempted him to give up.” On 25 November 1998, Amir enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Communications Corps, the Electronics Corps and the Computer Science Department, where he completed a communications technician course summa cum laude and joined the training staff of the Air Force’s technical base. , And at the request of his commanders he continued after compulsory service for a permanent year.In 2002, Amir was discharged from the career army and since then has served in the reserves of the Command Communications Division. After his release, Amir moved to Be’er Sheva and began studying at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in the Faculty of Biology. He received a bachelor’s and master’s degree in the field of microbiology and immunology, summing up a number of excellence certificates for his research during his studies, and even receiving a scholarship to pursue a doctoral program in the field of Gerontology. “Amir told me that he had come to study biology in order to fight the old age … He wanted people not to die … Amir could not bear the thought that someone was suffering,” said Reina, Amir’s first-year friend in Be’er Sheva. But he did not agree to eat animals, not even Mentos because there is gelatin in it, and he even stopped eating March, his favorite snack, when he discovered Who was also infected, and went to eat Israeli “nuts.” Amir did not agree to kill a mosquito that stung him a second ago – not as a metaphor, really … “Dr. De Gray, “Rejuvenation Research said that Amir was an energetic researcher with a passion not only to understand the field of aging, but also to make a difference about it.” On the field that Amir explored, old age and ways to combat it,In 2010, at the same time that he completed his doctoral studies, Amir began to study for an MBA at Tel Aviv University. There, too, he was very prominent in his wisdom, in the formation of his classmates, and in his willingness to help at all times. Guy Yekutiel, a practitioner of his, said: “… Amir knew, sometimes the only ones in the class, to answer all the questions and exercises, even the most difficult ones. Loved them. ” There was Amir Mutu who accompanied him all his life – first you will learn and only then will you do. Amir was very fond of heavy motorcycles, but was aware of the safety aspect, and the first thing he did when he bought a motorcycle was to take an advanced riding course. With the motorcycle he traveled all over the country. “When he saw a heavy motorcycle in one of the parking lots, we stopped to look at him for at least a few minutes,” says a friend. “Amir built his life entirely according to his views,” writes his father, “from childhood he knew what suited him, what was right for him, and all his decisions were made after his thought. In retrospect, all his decisions were good… “The high intelligence he possessed and his wisdom went along with his modesty all these years. His family never knew that he was again expected to receive a certificate of excellence. At every graduation ceremony Amir had to wear a red ribbon on his shirt, which marks his excellence. The film mainly embarrassed him, and at the end of the ceremony he immediately removed it to ‘be like everyone else’. Amir fell during his service on the 20 th of December 2010. The day before, he had been drafted into reserve duty, and in the evening, instead of resting at a friend’s home near the base, he preferred to return to his parents’ home and watch with them in a soccer game from the Spanish League. In the morning he went to the base on his motorcycle and on the way he was killed in a car accident. Amir was thirty years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kiryat Tivon cemetery. Survived by parents, sister and brother. Amir was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant after his death. At the graduation ceremony held at Ben-Gurion University in June 2011, Amir’s parents were awarded his degree certificate, which attests to the successful completion of his doctoral studies. “His life was short and of course he did not manage to achieve everything in it, but despite all that, his achievements are not insignificant and everything he did did the best,” wrote Marta, Amir’s mother, “Excellence was not a value he spoke about, he just implemented it in practice.” “I find that when I think about you, I am filled with joy and love for who you are and for all the good we have together,” says Azriel, “I manage to navigate the pain in positive directions (especially in trying not to break down the hard climb home, When we rode together.) But the rest of the time I just broke down and cried, crying for thirty years with you, crying for all the years ahead without you … One of the changes is that more are not running happy songs in the head, only melancholy. ” Dina, Amir ‘s sister, wrote: “It’ s been a month, and it ‘s been a month, but the same house, the same sky, the same annoying news … But my father never saw me crying. This is not a rare sight at all – suddenly the wrinkles on our faces are more prominent, and it’s only from the outsideA wrinkles, it’s a deep plowing of sadness, of deficiency, of the difficulty of accepting that we are in no return. A week ago, in Mother’s kitchen she opened a cupboard and looked for something. I asked her: ‘What are you looking for?’ And she simply replied: ‘Yesterday.’ “Amir was unique, except that he was a genius that the world had lost,” said Reina, Amir’s friend from the university. Goodness poured out of the ears. A man that the world was not used to, and perhaps he never got used to it either… I hope we biologists are wrong, not all molecules, and not all dead. That you are there, hearing me in another book. Then I imagine you next to me, telling me that this religion is for the weak, we are biologists. So sometime my molecules will join yours. “Safada Natalie, Amir’s classmate:” It was a privilege to meet you as one of the most amazing and intelligent people. There were no people who knew you and did not like you. In the study we worked together on a joint project and we always said it was fun to think together and explain complicated things. In every thing, you searched for logic, and I always said that there is no logic in medicine and biology … and now I also can not make sense of what happened. “Prof. Vadim Freifeld, the supervisor of Amir’s doctoral thesis, Gideon Grafi dedicated a chapter on stem cells to Amir, which was a central part of the field he was researching, and the family initiated an award for Amir, a prize awarded to an outstanding researcher in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva.

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