Abramovitch, Meir-Aryeh
Son of-Alta-Dinah and Eliezer was born on the 23rd of Adar I 1929 in Tel Aviv. Although he excelled at his elementary school, he could not continue to attend high school, because he had to support his parents and work in weaving. He distributed his evenings between his studies (he completed a clerical course at the Pittman school and began engineering studies at the Montefiore school) and the activities of the Haganah (which he joined at the age of 15). At every free moment he was reading, and he could choose his books and direct his studies. At the same time – and the days of tense days before the riots – he kept within the borders of Tel Aviv, and once, in Shomro in the Shapira neighborhood, was arrested by the British, but released after a military trial. At the outbreak of the war, he enlisted in the Haganah in Tel Aviv and completed a sabotage course, and his mother, who was very worried about him, said: “Mother, who wants the country from Tel Aviv to Ramat Gan ?!” For a while he was returned from combat service and attached to the engineering corps, With the entry of the Legion into the battle in the Jerusalem area, the situation in the city worsened and the road to it was cut off by the enemy at Latrun, the first attack on Latrun in order to break through failed, and on May 30-31, (“Operation son of-Nun Bet.”) Meir-Aryeh was attached as a sabotage force to the Latrun police force and was in the sabotage squadron, whose mission was to break through the building wall the police. This half-track first broke into the police compound and was heavily fired upon by the enemy, which fell on May 31, 1948. On the day of the 22nd of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949), it was transferred to rest – They live in the cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.