Abergel, Yaniv Haim

Abergel, Yaniv Haim

Ben Sarah and Rafael. Born on July 8, 1976 in Netivot, Yaniv began his studies at the Neve Ya’akov School in Netivot, and after four years moved to the Hazon Yehezkel School in Kiryat Gat where he studied for another four years. Yaniv moved to the “Mikveh Israel” agricultural school, and later studied automotive mechanics at the “Ort Shaar Hanegev” school in early April 1994. In early April 1994, Yaniv enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the Golani Brigade. He served for about ten months in Lebanon, and later, for medical reasons, was transferred to a maintenance corps. Yaniv was stationed in the northern brigade in Gaza, where he served as a truck driver and later as an ambulance driver. Yaniv loved to help others and was always willing to contribute to the community. At home he helped his father in every job, and on every vacation he went to work to help support the family. Yaniv was loved by his friends and commanders. He had done all he had to do with diligence and love. On 26.8.1996, Sergeant Yaniv was killed while carrying out his duties in a traffic accident at Yad Mordechai Junction. Together with him, Sergeant Arik was also killed. Yaniv was brought to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Netivot. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents, five brothers – Avner, Yaron, Ilan, Eyal and Shlomi – and one sister – Einav. In his letter of condolence to the brigade’s deputy commander, Yaniv’s family said: “During his service in the northern brigade in the Gaza Strip, Yaniv gained many respect from his commanders for his devotion to the job and his unique and captivating character. Tasks that were impossible for others were carried out by him with the ease and grace that characterized him. ” After his death, the family published a booklet in his memory, in which his brother and sister express their pain and longing for Yaniv: “Yesterday you were still with us, and today the sun is hiding its horns, the flowers are bending their heads, the sky is graying in the clouds, There is only a stone to fall on and flowers to lay on it.

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