Zweigenblum, Moshe

Zweigenblum, Moshe

He was born on 25.1.1928 in Pinsk, Poland, and immigrated to Eretz Israel on August 25, 1933. In Israel, he studied at the “Ahad Ha’am” Gymnasium in Petah Tikva, where his teachers discovered talents And allowed him to move beyond seventh grade to fifth grade and finish the gymnasium at the age of 16 and 18. Moshe invested all his energy in his studies, had a sharp and quick grasp, was interested in both humane and real studies, and aspired to the pure scientific truth. The fifth gave private lessons, and when he was 13, he joined the Haganah, and when he completed his studies, he enlisted in the Nutras. “When you remember how he drank the poisoned glass with you,” he wrote in one of his letters, “what is it that makes you Simcha that you are not part of that ‘evasive society’ “When he finished his year of service he was accepted to the High School of Law and Economics in Tel Aviv, where he was given the opportunity to be a member of the Hebrew University. Aspired to be a lawyer. During the War of Independence, he gave up his discharge from the draft that the bank wanted to obtain for him and also for his studies (he had another year to finish) and enlisted in early May 1948, served in the ” Alexandroni, “and even influenced his girlfriend to do the same, first he was given an administrative position in the camp’s vehicle department, but he demanded a transfer to a fighting company and took part in the Battle of Latrun and the conquest of Arab Kfar Saba. (June 5, 1948), and the machine gun in his hand was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Petah Tikva. Found in his clothes after his death, wrote: “I write these things that may be the last in my life. These moments do not pass through me in fear. Tears choke my throat as I remember how much your pain will be. Do not be sorry … to die on the altar of the homeland – there is nothing more Yaffa and noble. The Hebrew youth knew how to continue our struggle for our freedom … “

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