Zvi Grossman

Zvi Grossman

Ben Ilana and Eliyahu. Born on Yom Kippur, 10th of Tishrei 5736 (15.9.1975) in Tel Aviv, twin to Lior and brother to Iris Zvi studied at the Moshe Hess Elementary School and the ORT Singalovsky High School in Tel Aviv, He was an outstanding athlete, and at the age of 12 he began to practice karate and achieved impressive achievements in this field: Zvi was so prominent in the field that one of the karate students attended the karate and the film actor Chuck Norris, Toward the end of the training he turned to the team coach, pointed to Zvi and said that he was particularly pleased with my situation and that he was expecting him a future from that In the industry. Zwi took special pleasure in running and swimming, devoted many hours to raising the bar of endurance and participated in marathons and many running competitions. Other hobbies fostered by Zvi were paintings and woodworking. On April 6, 1994, Tzvi enlisted in the IDF and volunteered to serve in the naval commando (Shayetet 13), and he was already an outstanding trainee. In November 1996, he completed a course for infantry officers and underwent a training course for team commanders in the unit, at the end of which he received a team of fighters who commanded him until his downfall. An inner world full of originality, humor and imagination, he wrote in one of his letters in the army: “… and in the room from the inside – the heart of the boat and of the trip in general – there are all the heads, all the important people, Moreover, this is evident in the movement of forces on the ground, while smaller – by moving light points on the radar screen Tsuen forefingers of them ‘Iron workers. It looks like a big chess game of the best minds that move the carved wooden soldiers, on an embedded marble surface, with an aspiration to win and say in the end, with sweet lips, the long awaited “Met”. Only the chess game has no audience and no advertising, and in the end you do not even receive prizes, but the opponent is almost always permanent and always loses, and yet he is rude (chutzpah, good ?!), enough to continue inviting us to another battle, Of course, with our hands on top!) … “The commander of the naval commando unit in 1997, Eli Glickman:” As soon as the enlistment was discovered, Zvi was found to have excellent technical ability and ability to understand rare systems and devices. For a moment he did not sit still. During the calm hours (and in the Shayetet there were very few, especially during the track) you saw Grossman lying and reading or “fiddling” with something: he dismantled an instrument or a knife and fitted it with a sheath, a dedication on a shield for a combatant who was released from service or tried to find a personal solution Really adapted to the ethers. Yes, Grossman was an Iter and was actually weeping when he was told that he would be a 203 operator, not a MAG he wanted so much, his closet in the unit was like a museum, Grossman was washing and wiping and folding and hanging and drying until he was not sure that his personal equipment was fully handled I would not know how his mother reacted when she found out that a snake-leather wallet she loved had turned into her son’s lapel cover … He was like that … Maybe in another unit they would have laughed at the ultimate desire We appreciated him and loved him, and the years pass by, and the modest, silent and introverted little boy became an excellent warrior of the same kind that Commanders of units and teams struggle to be in their team and in the unit, developing and developing themselvesHe is free to swim and swim and brings himself to a series of excellent personal achievements. If I had to define Grossman I would say that he simply aspired to perfection. At every free moment he continued to train himself. He continued running for vacations as well. On the way to a vacation he stops at Wingate and makes his own combat fitness. In the course of team commanders, where there is no free moment, his classmates hear him continue at night (when everyone is in bed) to do sit-ups and hand-bending. Officers course is finished as a natural continuation to the track with honors. He was also discovered as an excellent commander. No discounts and no combos. He always demanded more of himself than his soldiers. A personal example of the supreme meaning of meaning. Always shows personal norms that even the best fighters have trouble imitating. Supreme physical fitness, determination and iron discipline. “Yoav Galant:” The thought of Zvi and the depth of his appearance and image bring me back to joint operational activities and to the adopted training exercises in which Zvi stood out among his fellow fighters … Zvi was seriously, persistently and resolutely determined, A sense of humor and a captivating smile. “Gen. Ram Rothberg:” The look – I met mainly … the look. The look that is everything. The look of a man, a warrior, and another commander … sharper, brighter, giving more willingly, demanding more. A look of youthful mischief with responsibility for the lives of the fighters as they embark on battle. A look of deep planning and descent into detail as well as finding new solutions, of enormous energies and endless creative hunger. A look of not compromising on the one hand, but openness and willingness to learn on the other hand. A look that requires you, sir, to want to be better and to win Tzvi’s assessment. The look of one of the finest naval commandos. Excitement – I was thrilled to see the look, it was clear to me that we were … going all the way. It was clear to me, and in a flash of a second I knew that Zvi was the chosen one. Zvi will lead, Tzvi will lead, on the deer can be trusted! The deer was later opened up. At the end of the brief meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Korkin, his commander and I look at each other’s eyes and smile at each other, we both know why, and this young officer, with the courage of youth, endless will and endless power, captivated our hearts. Ronny, Tzvi’s commander in the strippers department: “… We found ourselves in exhausting and exhausting training night after night – for all the training Zvi was responsible and did it perfectly, constantly introducing me to changes he thought about at night and to his opinion should be put in. I did not have many officers, but from one of them I took a personal example: It is strange that Shadar serves as a role model for the commander. Show all perfection, aspiration for excellence, devotion to the mission, love of the land, concern for the individual and the staff, tremendous motivation and great ambition . ” On the night between September 4 and 5, 1997, Zvi was the deputy commander of the force, together with a handful of fighters for the “Poplar Song” operation in the village of Ansariya, in the heart of Lebanon. Another eleven soldiers, the “Shayetet Disaster” is the name given to the event, which is considered the worst disaster the unit has known and one of the worst disasters in the history of the IDF. A smokescreen still surrounds the circumstances of the incident: Over the years, a number of investigative committees have been appointed, none of which has reached the truth. Members of the unit in the Shayetet tell about Zvi: Yakir A. : “When talking about Tzvi talking about friendship, excellence, diligence and a lot of sense of humor, from the early days of the beginning of the track at Atlit,Of the naval commando who prepared, cut, carved, sanded and painted in the short time of the weekend. At our first battalion commander’s order, Yoav Galant, the commander of the naval commando unit, passed by and examined the equipment of the campers, a kind of inspection and impression, and I did not understand why they were lingering there on the other side. And our instructors stood amazed in front of Zvi’s coffin, and simply did not believe there was anyone who so admired the unit he served in. In the officers’ course and in the commanding course of the naval commandos, he excelled: he always showed professionalism in training and work. In the officers’ training course after a tiring day, he did not give up, and before going to sleep he made sure to put us together to do push ups, tension and stomach flexion. Dvir K. “Grossman was not like all the fighters or officers, he was simply an exceptional personality with values, norms and standards of the highest level I knew … From the first moment we set foot in Atlit, the person just blossomed there, always ballet, He was always on the road, always on impulse, even on long journeys like Journey 80, the entire journey was connected to the weak guys and pushed them from behind, and even in the theoretical courses he stood out and took out the grades The tallest without too much effort, just a professional. ” Oded, H.: “Your dominance has nothing to add, your laughter, your jokes, you were the most dominant person in the cycle and in the unit.” Mor, M. “Zvi was an excellent commander, a friend, an investor at an unimaginable level, and everything he did was perfect, with a tremendous investment. Every day Zvi would invest as if this were the important day of the year, In the Bar-Or test, over 20, there was a grade of 100, Tzvi was the only one who would reach the limit of his ability until he made shouts and then he would get out of the tension. ” “The attitude toward Grossman was a great appreciation that bordered on admiration for the way he did everything from small to large, with all his heart, with a lot of faith and with the best.” I can say wholeheartedly that in a situation of battle, Grossman is the first person I would like “The last time I saw Grossman was on Thursday morning, about an hour before the guys left the base, and this picture of him is the strongest piece of memory in my memory.” Zvi passed me on the path between the fighters’ faction and the school. A swollen chest with his black clutch hanging on his back in the cross, as he passed by, I shook his hand and said good-bye to him, he answered “thank you” with a big smile on his lips and Bible march “. Gilboa, p .: “The stories about you do not fade, as in fairy tales, but unlike a fairy tale – you are real: from pranks in the neighborhood to heroic acts like the last one who saw you on a UAV charging forward (after the first explosion) to the wounded, Fear and fear that you will be hurt, like a real leader in an encounter with the force commander, the lieutenant takes his place and replaces him. Every fighter knows that under fire it is trivial, but all your fighters were sure you would do it, so that you would not be disappointed, because under your command everyone felt safe, immune, as if there were an angel guarding them. ” In the 50 minute article in Hell: “I was thinking about Zvi Grossman, one of the officers who went into action, he was the most poisoned officer I knew … He was never tired, always running full of energy and looking for something to do. That if we were all exhausted, it was as if the day had just begun, and I thought that if Zvi was alive now, he would rise, no matter what the situation ofand. He would get up and fight and storm, nothing would stop him. But Zvi did not get up. “Over the years, a number of memorial projects were erected in memory of Zvi:” Gan Zvi Grossman “in Tel Aviv – In October 1998, a public playground was inaugurated in Tel Aviv, Weizmann and the Mayor of Tel Aviv – Jaffa, Mr. Roni Milo. “Machshuvot – A Certain Kind of Meeting” – The book includes letters, drawings, and works by Zvi, and things that were written in memory of his family and friends. Hanukkah torch relay in the name of Captain Zvi Grossman – a 36 km race that takes place every year on Hanukkah and leaves the Maccabees from Modi’in to the Ort Singalovsky School in Tel Aviv. The race is an initiative of the high school administration, where high school students, naval commandos and other IDF units participate every year: the Kfir Brigade, the Magal and the Aketz. Monument and Scuba Diving Site In June 1999, a monument was dedicated to the 12 fallen soldiers on the Shavei Zion beach, built of twelve tables of hard kurkar rock leaning against one another and heading north toward Lebanon. The site also included a rock with a bronze plaque on which were engraved the names of the 12 fallen. In front of the Shavei Tzion beach, the ship was inscribed with a bayonet used as a dive site, with a dozen chairs on each deck bearing a fallen name. In memory of the 12 fallen in action. The monument is built of a dozen steel columns that each column bears a name that falls and together form the Star of David symbol.

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