ZuEretz, Pedatzur (Paddy)

ZuEretz, Pedatzur (Paddy)

Was born on March 6, 1925 in Tripoli, the capital of the Italian colony of Tripolitania in North Africa, to a well-known family and was educated in a Zionist spirit. Pedatzur immigrated to Israel with his parents on the 23rd of Shevat, (8.2.1934). After four years of serving in the Palmach, Pedatzur completed a training course and trained new members. He took part in daring activities of the Palmach, raising illegal immigrants and in blowing up bridges. Upon his discharge from active duty he was transferred to the Palmach’s municipal reserve unit and worked in the Haganah arms industry. With the outbreak of the War of Independence Pedatzur remained confined to his place of work, but when some of his comrades fell, he demanded to be returned to active duty in the Negev Brigade. Pedatzur completed a sabotage course and was recommended to be an officer. Among his most daring actions on the front of the Negev were an Egyptian minefield and an examination of the minefields. Participated in the seventh attack on the Iraq-Suidan Police as commander of a mortar team and fell on the 19th of Tishrai, October 22, 1948. Pedatzur was buried in the military cemetery in Kfar Warburg. On the 20th of Tishrei, 5710 (October 1, 1950), he was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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