Zorman, Tuvia

Zorman, Tuvia

Tuvia, son of Yehudit and Zvi Mordechai Zorman, was born on November 15, 1926 in Germany, and arrived in Israel with his parents in 1933. Tuvia, completed elementary school and then he began to work as a diamond-polisher to help support the family. At a young age he joined the Haganah. He participated in many trainings and was an expert and experienced guide of the country and its pathways.
At the beginning of the War of Independence, Tuvia, joined the army, served in the Givati ​​Brigade, and completed a course for squadron commanders. Tuvia was among the escorts of the convoys to the Negev and the guards on the water pipeline. On the night of June 3, 1948, the “Ad Halom” Bridge was attacked by heavy enemy fire and the forces were forced to retreat. They rallied and pushed the Egyptians northward. In this battle Tuvia fell, on the 25th of Iyar 5708 (June 3, 1948) and he was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Varburg.

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