Zohar, Sharon

Zohar, Sharon

Zippora and Aryeh’s eldest son. He was born on April 15, 1974 in Nazareth Illit. Brother to music. Sharon was born in the “Haemek” hospital in Afula and was a handsome baby. In first grade, he studied at the Golan Elementary School in Upper Nazareth, then continued at the Carmel School and the Alon junior high school. Along with his studies at the school, he studied accordion at the conservatory, and was active in the martial arts department of Karate. In the 10th grade he attended the high school named after Sharett, and from then on he continued his high school studies at the Technological College of the Ordnance Corps in Tzrifin, a professional and pre-military framework designed to prepare students for technical subjects in preparation for their enlistment. Where he was trained as a technician. On July 23, 1993, Sharon enlisted in the IDF, served in the Armored Corps of the Transport Tira Brigade, and at the end of his service he was drafted into the army at the Nesher base, in the profession of mechanic. He lived with his family in Tirat Hacarmel, was a man of principles and loyal to his profession, and he was attentive and attentive to all of his demands, took care of his soldiers, supported them and served them as a father. He loved Maccabi Haifa for many years, loved to work on a computer, listen to music and watch the soccer games of his six-year-old son Sharon died in the third month of his pregnancy, and advanced sergeant Sharon Zohar fell during his service on 17 November 2008 at the age of thirty-four. Sharon was buried in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by Raya, Bat – Mishar, Ben – Omer, parents, sister and brother. His third daughter, Uri, was born after his death. On his gravestone, the family engraved the words: “My husband, my most precious husband, I stand here in front of you and do not believe that this is a reality. You are a wonderful husband, a proud and loving husband, you are the best father a child can ask for, you can not contain words in your words. You will keep us from above like you did when you were with us, I promise I will continue to raise our special children as you would like, and trust me to be strong, Of me always. We will continue to be united and always together – your family and mine. And I’m asking the Creator of the world keep you up alongside your soul rest in heaven. I love you very very much, and kids already miss you. ” The commander of the unit said: “Last night we lost a dear friend, a commander, a man of great honor and a source of genuine pride … I have been privileged to stand up and tell you about you today. We have been privileged to meet you as a person, a husband, a father and a commander who is loyal to principles and to the profession, and your generosity and generosity have characterized your work in the unit. You were a father to the soldiers and to every soldier who needed your help, you responded with devotion and a sense of mission “We will always remember the enthusiasm in your voice, the creativity, the smile, the evils and the joy of life that you demonstrated … I was honored to be the commander of a man like you. From the book of songs Sharon wrote in 1993 – “Songs that came out of the heart (and that may enter the heart).” the mother? Sitting sees the sun / and feels the peace. / WhatHappened to me, who would tell me / Is this love? // Even on nights of rain / feels the same calm. / Am I in love? / Is this love? // I see a girl walking / And she is so beautiful “/ Was this girl? / Who knew? // Sitting in the room now and the girl is not. / But one said to me / Yes, she is yours! // Now I woke up, this is a sweet dream At the door is a girl in red / Is this a dream? I ask her / No, this is a reality and I am yours!

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