Zohar, Michal

Zohar, Michal

The daughter of Bina and Udi. Born and raised in Gilon, a community community in the Galilee, in the Misgav Regional Council Michal was educated at the “Gil Gilon” elementary school and the ” Mishgav “elementary school, and expanded to five matriculation units from dance and Bible. In the 11th grade, Michal left with the students on a journey to remember the Holocaust in Poland, and in the twelfth grade, as part of the activities of “The Man in the Field,” she left with a group of students for ” Survivor “in the Judean Desert. The satisfaction of such an arduous weekend came from her radiant face and the many stories that followed for many months afterward. During her spare time, she participated in the dance classes of the Misgav Dance Academy, which was filled for her all week long. In the practical matriculation exam in dance, Michal created a dance for the songs of Ivri Lider’s “I Have Loved”, and in her theoretical examination she wrote as an explanation for the choice of choreography she composed: “The love that overwhelms me for my family, my friends, my dance … The emotion that accompanies my being in the face of appreciation for everything I have, Always exists in me and enriches me even when I am alone, independent of what is around me. ” Beyond the description of the words that she aspired to express in the composition, the sentence honestly describes her modest and human way of life. In a letter written to her by her friend Tal Shmuel, she explained why she asked Michal to dance with her in her matriculation exams: “When you dance, you express so much emotion that I have connected with you.” Thanks to her talent and tireless investment, Michal grew up to be an outstanding dancer. In addition, Michal was involved in the Misgav Dance Company and traveled with the band to Brazil to perform in Jewish communities and to travel. In all her performances in Misgav, her parents and brothers showed great pride. Michal would spread her smiles to the occupiers, laughing and winking at them from the stage, even in the middle of the dance. Yael, her sister, wrote about Michal the dancer: “How proud I was of you, you just illuminated the stage, a true dancer in your body and soul. , And I really met you, and on a Saturday afternoon, a sunny, sharp, strong ray of sunlight came to the stage and accompanied us and stroked us throughout the dance, and suddenly disappeared, as if showing us all that you are watching over us. Bina, her mother, kept every note she wrote to her, such as: “How fun it is to be loved and fun to have you chosen to be my mother.” “My dear sister, my dear soul, my princess, thank you for giving us twenty years full of experiences, love and much satisfaction … as befits a daughter of old age, there are clear rules, you are all indulging, your big brothers love you so much, I would love to watch you, how do you excite everyone, your smile is a memento that I will cherish in my Lev forever. ” Udi, her father, “I had a huge right to be Michal’s father. She just made me a better person, her sensitivity to others, her way of thinking, the motivation to achieve what she defined as important, exemplary and exemplary by any standard.” “When Michal was born, I was twelve,” said Tal, the eldest brother. “My mother promised me a special birthday present, but she could not help herself, and Michal came out two days earlier, and everyone in the family joked that they brought me Michal as a birthday gift. Even when she was already twenty, even though she was growing up and witty,”On Fridays when I came back from the army, the way I walked in the door you would jump on me, hug me and not leave. It was a regular reception, as if you were just waiting for it all week … I miss your laugh, I miss your ‘D’ when I laugh at you, I miss your smile, I miss your love and admiration, Your joy of life … I remember How Yaeli saw that the cell phone is reserved as ‘my sister’ and as ‘my little sister’, so Yael changed to ‘my beloved sister’, and then you took the device and thought to yourself, how can you beat ‘Ahuva’? After a second I saw your mischievous spark in my eyes, ticking something on the phone and smiling back at me. “Every time we met, I would look at you,” he wrote with me, her brother, “and whenever you caught me staring at you, I would make a face and open your eyes tightly. You would imitate me and I would gain a closer look in your Yaffa eyes. I miss our conversations, which have become more frequent and deeper in the past three months. Loves and misses so much. “Yael, her sister, said they called each other” the one “:” I admired you for your honesty and integrity … for your sensitivity to the smallest things, your emotional intelligence, your ability to express yourself, your beauty, That just gets better and your smile … I’ve learned so much from you and I’ve never really managed to tell you this – you’re so amazing! I know you were Simcha; You have perfected life in the full sense of the word. You have reached each and every experience to the fullest and in a complete way and have connected yourself to the lives of a great many people. “Her many friends from the school, dance, army and community testified to the help she gave her, the support she gave her, her attentive ear. Of all those who knew her and bring light and laughter to the lives of many who were true friends, members of her soul, full of enchanting captivity, energetic and vital, with a great ability to play, opinionated, intelligent, Michal has the ability to connect with great sensitivity to her surroundings, On her Facebook page she wrote the motto: “Simcha is the person who can give without remembering it all Time and acceptance without ever forgetting it. “Her parents and siblings knew her great sensitivity, but only after her death did they discover how significant she was in her modest and special way to the various groups of friends she had accumulated in her short life. She was her confidante, shared wise advice and mutual consultations with her family, friends, and acquaintances, who called her Michali, Michi, Michael, Michik, Hanukki, Plum or countless other names and epithets, some of which she invented for herself. Eitan, her boyfriend, wrote: “You were always the light, you always helped me, you were with me in every situation … with you I felt the strongest … You were supposed to be Simcha with me without end, without losing my smile for a moment … Your arms, to hear you tell me you love me do not stop … for me you were a princess of fairy tales I was looking for … and now you’re back to the legend … my container, my Baba … I will always be on your way with everything you taught me … “” Michal always shines with the big smile And her Yaffa, with her eyes full of love and the overwhelming embrace that does not let go of you … “Tal and Lior wrote after her death.” She taught us how to love and give without limits, to invest in whom we love and take advantage of every moment S … every minute with Michal is a gift … you tell me how to not let rails on your shoulder and go to your head and how good an officer shouldSo give herself as much as she can. It’s Michal, always thinking about the other, always looking for the best possible way for your female soldiers … so you know that you’ve been my guide every day since we’re friends, and that’s why I’m thinking about getting promoted … “Her friend Anat Versano wrote to her on the occasion The induction: “Thank you, Hanukki, who taught me the value of friendship that you have always been with me and for me, listened to, counseled, helped, cried with me … and you were for me everything I needed … I love you, The dream of Michal’s officer corps was formed during high school, and during the twelfth grade she underwent a screening test for the officer’s course in the Corps of Slices, which is the essence of giving. Indeed, Michal gave unlimited reserve soldiers as a liaison officer. In the personal questionnaire she filled on the day of the emergency, she noted: “Military service is important to me and I am interested and want to contribute as much as I can!” She added that “the house has a great awareness and openness to the army,” noting that her family also contributed in turn to his military service. Udi, her father, is a brigadier general in the reserves. She wrote that she would be proud to be an officer in the IDF, and that the examiners gave her a high grade, noting that she was “intelligent, caring and involved in missions … sensitive to the environment, involved and conversational.” “I was very pleasant to the team, you managed to reach all the members of the team,” she says, She always told about herself and was taken in. At the end of the completion, Michal testified that she intended to instruct as a commander in the soldier’s consummation, She was killed as a liaison officer, but was killed in a targeted terrorist attack about a month before the start of the training course. In such a position. Her posting as liaison officer of the 7th Brigade, at the Jalameh base, was accompanied by tremendous pride alongside a sense of responsibility and fear. Michal aspired to excellence and did not give up. Her coping with such a complex role at such a young age attests most to her character and abilities. The commander of a company whose soldiers were recruited for operational employment wrote about Michal’s qualities in the process of recruiting the company: “Very sensitive to the burden of the commanders, very caring and supportive of reserve soldiers, all of whom are significantly older than it, with great determination and achievement.” In the four months she served in the 7th Brigade Division, she had managed to conquer everyone’s Lev with her gentleness, her shyness, her special spirit. The soldiers who served under her command wrote about her: “In time we met not only a commander, but a friend, and even more – even a sister – you were always here for us, advising and supporting us and bringing back our smile, “He said. On Thursday, November 11, 2010, on her way home from military service, with a wish to reach Misgav and return to dance after a break, a truck driver accidentally collided at the bus stop near the Acre train station, where many people were standing. First Sergeant Ayman Kizel was killed during the incident, and another 10 people were injured. Michal, who was waiting at the station, was critically wounded. For many hours the doctors fought for her life, until at midnight she died of her wounds at Nahariya Hospital. Deputy Michal Zohar fell during her duty on Thursday, 11.11.2010, at the age of 20. She was buried in the Misgav cemetery, leaving behind her parents and three brothers.Pictures and videos left by Michal, she radiates joy and happiness, smiles and laughs or makes faces and poses to the camera. Michal ate life with all her Lev, was loved and loved. After her death, an association was established to commemorate her memory. The family decided to build the “Michal Lookout” on Mount Gilon, with a view of its native landscape, with an amphitheater – symbolizing the stage given to Michal to express her skills, and a vacation and resting place for a family picnic that symbolizes the love of the country and the joy of life that characterized it. Michal was working on the subject of “A Value Dilemma in Israeli Society”. Is it right to connect Yom Hazikaron with Independence Day? “Even in my mind I can not describe the mourning of the families and especially the significance of Memorial Day for them … I suppose that these families, after a deep depression in pain, are very difficult to pass through in a sharp transition to joy and dance with the entire State of Israel … This sharp transition … sends an important message … Despite the dead, the wars, the pain, the sadness … we have achieved our wish … We have succeeded in establishing a state, and we have a good reason to be proud and Simcha … The dilemma is whether to connect Remembrance Day with Independence Day And I am concerned about myself … I do not know whether to rejoice or cry, to connect or to shut myself up … Memorial Day floods me with many emotions And I am reminded of the people whose stories are etched in my personal memory, the people who were killed during their military service in Israel’s wars and hostilities … At least, as of today, it is clear that we must not separate the days, Blood that can not be separated. ” We, in the Zohar family, see her words as a will to perpetuate her memory

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