Zohar, Amir

Zohar, Amir

Ben Nurit and Danny, brother to the city, Dotan and Tomer, grandson of Moshe and Bronka Sher, one of the founders of Kibbutz Gal-On, and Lissa and Meir Zohar (Fine). He was born on March 25, 1966, and grew up in Galaun, a third ball for the founding fathers of the kibbutz, who was educated in giving, caring, initiating and contributing to the state and society. “Amit was a member of the elementary school at Kibbutz Gal-On and a member of the Tzfat School of Kibbutz Kfar Menachem, where he played basketball and at the same time guided “Batya Danziger, the school’s principal, recalls the gay days of Tzafit:” The life of a rich and full boarding school, and Amir is one of the leaders in them. A true leader. Quietly, modestly, but with lots of personal charisma … A counselor in the movement, a leader in discussions in social talks and in group conversations, and with the same seriousness in his work clothes, leads the Tzafit youth team. I was once asked by one of the staff members ‘Who are the parents who raised such a wonderful son?’ “On November 6, 1984, Amir enlisted in the Combat Engineering Corps, the November cycle was mostly farmed, and Amir, Amir served in the “Asaf” battalion – Combat Engineering Battalion 601. At the end of the period he continued on to the course for commanders, and from there to officers’ course and supplementary training. In each of his courses he excelled, but he always maintained modesty. In June 1986, Amir was sent to command a platoon in the regimental company in the “Asaf” battalion. “At this point in his life Amir and I met,” says Orly, his wife, who served as a company clerk in the cyclical company, “and together we broke into the thoughts of the future together.” From the regimental company he moved to command a platoon in the operational company, and from there was sent to operational activity in Lebanon and the territories. Amir was fond of the corps, was proud of the positions he filled, and contributed as much as he could to the development of new generations of soldiers. And high-quality commanders. “A clever, responsible and diligent officer with a high level of leadership, personal standards and work ethics. With the ability to organize and manage “- are just some of the flattering statements written about Amir In November 1988, Amir was discharged from the IDF and began his life with Orly at Kibbutz Gal-On. Before they married, the two managed a magical trip in the Far East, which lasted nine months. On 12 September 1990, their wedding celebration was held on the edge of the kibbutz pond. They moved to Jerusalem, the town of Orly, where Amir began his studies at the Hebrew University in the fields of political science and sociology, completed a bachelor’s degree, and completed a master’s degree in business administration. At the same time, he established a ceramic and ornamental factory with Orly, and later, because of their great love for trips, they established an educational project that combines instruction, tours and nature activities. On July 6, 1993, their eldest son Assaf was born, named after the battalion that Amir served in. On September 14, 1996, the twins Alon and Tamar joined. A great love, rare in its intensity, was Amir Lorelli and his children. He was also close to the extended family, and he had a special relationship with the grandparents. Amir found his place in the company after a difficult search. Amir wanted to contribute, change and influence, and in 1998 he came to the community centers and was elected director of the community administration in East Talpiot (Armon Hanatziv). “I want to work in a field that I believe in, Prof. Dov Goldberger, CEO of the Israel Association of Community Centers, at the meeting that took place between the twoAs soon as Amir came to work. Amir came to the neighborhood during a period of management and management crisis, and although he came from another world, he quickly grasped the complexity of the neighborhood community center system of one of the complex communities in Jerusalem: “Amir, with his wisdom, managed to operate a broad communal infrastructure And wide. His world view and his comprehensive vision enabled him to work correctly with representatives of the entire political spectrum and to steer the management in which there is a polarization between opinions through compromises, without unnecessary conflicts. In his extraordinary personality, Amir was not afraid of running. Amir saw his role in the community center as an educational, social and public mission, and in his three years as director, he made his mark on the neighborhood and on communal life in it. Amir promoted welfare and educational projects, developed new areas of content, and focused mainly on working with youth and increasing tolerance. Thus, together with the members of the Executive, he invested considerable time in developing work relations and joint projects between the East Talpiot neighborhood and the neighboring village of Tzur Baher, and even planned joint activities for Jewish and Arab women. “As you knew it was impossible to be a small head in the army,” Batya Danziger told him, “you knew that you can not be a little head in the war for peace. “Amir was like a quiet spring whose water is flowing in a quiet but steady flow, and despite his military and kibbutz background, he was particularly gentle in his pleasant personality and in his quietness, and in his playful laugh he succeeded in captivating everyone’s heart. And to simply reach diverse populations – youth, young people, day-to-day hardships, Arabs, neighborhood integration, and everyone knows how to walk and connect with warmth and grace. ” In addition to his educational work, Amir contributed much of his time to the reserves, first as deputy company commander and later as commander of the engineering division of the Givati ​​Brigade in the reserves. Amir joined the reserves after his discharge from the IDF, and some of his soldiers were veteran, experienced and well-formed soldiers, but Amir and his soldiers shared a framework that combined trust, giving, joint walking and love of the country. Amir at the height of intense activity at the community center, and at the height of the process of building his dream home and of Orly in Tzur Hadassah on the outskirts of Jerusalem. As a man of peace who believed in co-existence, Amir immediately went with the chairman of the community center’s administration and another 20 residents of the neighborhood to the neighboring village of Tzur Baher to talk with the village dignitaries about the need to continue the joint projects. “We must talk and create a dialogue, first of all at the level of older professionals, and then return to meetings between teenagers and adults … We calmed the area … People understand that we must return,” he said. And live together. ” “There is no doubt,” his colleagues said, “that Amir’s influence contributed quite a bit to the fact that despite the fact that the neighborhood of East Talpiot is the Jerusalem neighborhood of Terem, which had known terrorist attacks in the past, it remained silent, without riots and without incitation. Noam, believed in tolerance, dialogue and patience. ” Amir’s departure for the last reserves in November 2000 was accompanied by quite a few fears. “Amir,” says Orly, “was afraid of reserve duty during this period, but not of himself but of his soldiers – he said that he felt responsible for them and their safety, that something would not happen to them, God forbid, but he knew that the best should doWork. Not that he said he was the best. “After training at the Lachish company training base, Amir was sent to his company, Elisha, but did not return. Major General (res.) Amir Zohar fell in battle in the Nahal Elisha outpost on the outskirts of Jericho on Wednesday, 1.11.2000, at the age of thirty-four. In the evening hours, fire was fired at the outpost from the direction of the greenhouses of Jericho. Amir tried to identify the sources of the shooting, was shot and killed on the spot. Amir was laid to rest at the cemetery on Kibbutz Gal-On. Survived Orly, his wife, his seven year old Assaf and the twins Alon and Tamar, who are four years old, parents, sister and two brothers. “Amiri, the words end where the voices of war are screaming, and how is it that one stray bullet has destroyed us, our Amir’s dream, and how can it be that our grandparents are burying our Amir, the oldest of the grandchildren, a family man, a community and a friend? You have always been so human, friendly and full of understanding, without posing and paperwork. Amiri, I try to speak, but the words are stuck in my throat, because what are words and tears in front of your death – in the face of your not being? ” “It was a great privilege for me to serve alongside Amir, a dear commander, admired by his soldiers and Ehud among his friends, a special man, from my beloved and my dear son, the same minority who contributed a great deal by himself, And the right to live as free citizens in this part of the land … I can tell you about Amir – his wonderful personality, the peace he showed in his behavior, his way of seeing life, his willingness to help and help at any time, The path of Amir, who in his death commanded us life. ” At the end of the “shivah” days, Orli said to her husband: “My Amir, from the peak of happiness and love that a person can have fallen to the lowest point … I have always been able to give and give to everyone … the food and the accumulation have come from you. I promise you, my Amir, I will try to be as strong as possible, I will guard your way, your values ​​and your memory, and in light of them I will raise our children … Dear Amir Shalom, : “Amir, we are slowly realizing that you will not come back, there is no point in trying to describe what you symbolized, that is far beyond what language can express … The main thing in your eyes was how to make the present and the future good. We will be strong, as you would like, and we will not forget you forever, because your death has commanded us optimism, and we swear to you here, on the new grave, that we will continue on your way. On the day of the release of Amir’s engineering company from the reserves in Elisha, his comrades spoke: “… Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin saw the right and obligation to demand that IDF commanders be responsible, professional, intelligent and personal, “Amir, the peace you wanted so much, will no longer be yours.” We will continue on the path of peace, but on the other hand we will know how to be alert to dangers. We will never forget the last look, the last smile and the last word … “In March 2001, Amir’s family received the Jerusalem Foundation Prize for his work to promote our suffering Democracy and democracy. “If we could hear Amir now,” wrote Orly, “and ask him for a message to the young officers, the message is this: ‘The commanders are theInfluence, they are the builders of power and power operators, while exploiting man as a person of integrity, love of others and the ability to enjoy the goodness of man. Commanders have a responsibility to build a future generation of donors and negotiators who see their actions as paramount, with faith and values. A good commander is also a good citizen, and all these are our future. ‘ “Tamar wrote:” A friend is a person who is always there for you. He is an ear to the vicissitudes of the soul, patience and support, unlimited giving, love and embrace. Amir was for me a friend … Amir, the peak of optimism, the peak of life, hope, energy and smiles, laughter and love. A wonderful husband and a wonderful father, a family man and a friend of so many people. “When he reached the mitzvot, Alon, Amir’s son, gave an emotional speech:” … There are many stories about my father’s love for me, I think I remember a little, and there are also pictures, recordings and souvenirs. In my heart I know that for me he was the most. Today I understand that losing a father is something that has no compensation in the world. … I have a lot to tell you, Dad, but most I just want to run and hug you, and raise me like I was small, on your shoulders. “The pain is forever, with us will shape our personality …” Amir was immortalized in many factories: In the framework of the project “Meeting for Israel – Dedication of the sections of the journey to fallen soldiers in Israel” was devoted on 26.4.2006 section of a trip in Nahal Dishon to Amir. “Matnasayada” – an annual competitive sports event held by the Jerusalem Municipality with the participation of hundreds of children and youth, a central ceremony is held in memory of Amir and prizes are awarded to the winning teams. On the day of the 5766 Memorial Day, a film by Ami Druz, “Mother Will Fly the Kite”, centered on a children’s book written by Orly and illustrated by Zvika Rametz, tells the story of the Zohar family, Amir ‘s friends in the FLHN dedicated the Kaddish composed by Lev Kogan. His parents wrote: “Amir … Nothing will ever be the same as it was … Your presence has always taken place quietly, quietly, in a small word at the right time, and we know that as time goes by we will miss it more.” Amir, the words are too low to express what We always remember you as you are, with love, father and mother. “

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