Zlatowski-Hacohen, Nechama (Natka)

Zlatowski-Hacohen, Nechama (Natka)

Daughter of David, was born in December 1900 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and finished high school there. Nechama immigrated to Israel in 1923 and was active in the Hagana in Jerusalem in 1927. Out of devotion, she accepted every call and fulfilled every teaching faithfully. She worked as a laboratory technician at the Pathology Institute at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. On November 29, 1947, the day of the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the partition of the country, the Hagana medical service was declared a state of alert in this service in Jerusalem, and Lantke was given a Sabbath break to visit her husband in their farm in Binyamina. “I belong to the Haganah in the Old City, and it is possible that there will be riots in Jerusalem, and I should return to my post,” she said. On the way, on Sunday morning, 17 Kislev, 5708 (November 30, 1947), the enemy bullet struck her. Was buried in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where it was engraved on the monument erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in memory of those who perished in the Jewish Quarter and the memory of soldiers who fell in battle for Jerusalem and were buried in the Mount of Olives

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