Ziv, Chaim-Aharon
Son of Kalman and Sonia. Born on 20.8.1950 in Jerusalem, he studied at the “Example” elementary school and at the ORT vocational high school, both in Jerusalem, and later joined the Bnei Akiva youth movement and was an active member of the tribe and the branch. He was recruited to the IDF at the end of September 1968, and together with the Nachshon group, he volunteered for army service and went to the Ein Hanatziv group. After completing his training period, he returned to the kibbutz as part of the Nahal Brigade and successfully completed the parachuting course. In the parachuting course, the trait that distinguished him was revealed – the desire to face the challenge and overcome the difficulties, however great they may be. In the spring of 1970, he began his training in the paratrooper Nahal Brigade and was sent to serve in the Canal area, always with a cheerful and cheerful smile on his face, and he would catch up with those who surrounded him, and he was silent by nature, but his silence did not stem from shyness, He was always ready to come to the aid of his fellow man and was faithful to his friends with all his Lev On the 30th of Tammuz 5770 (July 30, 1970) Was killed by an enemy bombardment on the shore of the Suez Canal, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Exploring life of the commander of the soldier, dates back to the question and continued learning, creativity and common understanding. He was a man who chose a way of life of faith in the Torah of Israel and alongside it a kibbutz settlement on the border; Spiritual and physical preservation of Israel. In the army he stood out quietly and with a smile and a good word for a friend at times. The training was difficult and sometimes more than that, but he stood up well and at a high level of performance, and tried to help his friends. The training period was short and when we went down to the canal, to the northern sector. The tension was very high, and all the danger lurking in this mission was clear. Haim continued to hold a cigarette at the corner of his mouth and smile – quiet with a slight smile. “After his fall, a booklet published in his memory,” Ziv, “was published.