Zitouni, Yosef (Yossi)

Zitouni, Yosef (Yossi)

Son of Hannah and Nissim, was born in Jerusalem on the 29th of Tishrei 5710 (October 29, 1959) to his parents, who were born in Jerusalem. Yossi was the second child in the family, and the only brother to his three sisters. Yossi was born in the Makor Baruch neighborhood. He was a baby full of joy, and gave his parents great satisfaction. In the kindergarten there was also the energy that was in it, and his hand was in everything. From a young age he visited the garden, and his mischievousness and alertness led him to be involved in everything that was done around him. Yossi studied in a religious kindergarten and at Tachkemoni until the fourth grade. When the Six-Day War broke out, the family moved to Kiryat Yovel, and Yossi moved to Agron, where he completed his elementary studies. The elementary school developed a deep and close friendship between Yossi and a few friends, which lasted until their maturity and until his downfall. During this period, Yossi joined the Scout movement and taught young students. Yossi had athletic tendencies from an early age. His body was muscular and strong and energetic. He played basketball and soccer, a lot of running and practicing karate. When he began to play tennis, at the age of 11 years, he returned to this sport and he reached a high professional level. After a few lessons, he understood the rules of the game and showed great interest in it and made it a center of his life. Yossi Hill performed at the “Hapoel” club in Kiryat Yovel. He won first place in many competitions in Jerusalem and abroad. When he was 14 years old, he was sent to represent the capital at competitions held in Maccabi, North and Hapoel Tel Aviv. Yossi continued his high school studies at the “Beit Chinuch” school in Jerusalem, where he also had a sense of humor, involved in social life and Ehud with his teachers and friends. But the real investment is spent in his favorite sport. Yossi was drafted into the IDF and was tested in order to be admitted to the Sayeret Matkal commando unit, but a small defect was found in his back. He decided to join the paratroopers and was accepted into the “Orev” reconnaissance unit. When the training and parachutes ended, Yossi looked for a new challenge. He was given the opportunity to choose between an officers’ course, after which he would commit to serve in the regular army, and tennis, where he found great satisfaction. Yossi chose tennis. In order to complete his challenging position, he volunteered for the Counter-Terrorism Unit and underwent difficult and exhausting training. Before his release, he was still able to participate in Operation Litani. After his discharge from the IDF, Yossi began coaching young people in tennis and even played in the national league and international games abroad. Working with the children, he invested much energy and was determined to cultivate tennis champions. He served as their father and educator. Yossi continued to play in the national league and was among the top four in his team. When the Peace for Galilee War broke out, Yossi was not stationed in any unit. He was called to battle in the early hours of the morning and was apprehended by a parachutist infantry unit, who fell in the battle for the conquest of the village of Beit Liha in Lebanon on June 10, 1982 and was brought to eternal rest on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Was an excellent soldier, cheerful and friendly, and he accepted everything easily and with a smile. “The Jerusalem Municipality commemorated Yossi’s name: A regular tennis tournament will be held in his honor.

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