Zin, Zohar Zehavit

Zin, Zohar Zehavit

Daughter of Tzipora Levi and Zeev-Nissan. Zehavit enlisted in the IDF on November 16, 2005. She initially served in the north, at the Modiin base, but wanted to move and serve close to home so that she could support her mother, who agreed to serve as a driver, although she did not like it, (Headquarters of the ground forces), at the headquarters of Division 143. Although she was able to serve in the unit for a short period, her acclimatization was very rapid. Zehavit created a unique relationship with its members and became an integral part of the wing to which she belonged. She was dedicated to her work and to the military establishment and stood out as a sociable, pleasant, humorous soldier, accepted and loved by everyone. Here she also showed a desire to help and help at all times. Eight months before she was killed, Zehavit’s relationship with Maor began. It was a love against all odds, all around them were all difficult, but the two ignored and continued to spend time together. Zehavit’s heart was given to Maor, and for her she found her man. On February 7, two days before her fall, she confided to her mother that Maor had told his brother that his room was “the kingdom of Zehavit and Maor.” When her mother suggested that she marry Maor, her answer was: “E.Ma, I have to finish my military service. I will study at the university and Maor will finish his service and start studying. A few minutes later, Zehavit raised her hands in the sky and said, “Thank you very much, Creator of the world for what you gave me.” Zehavit knew she was beautiful and perfect, but she did not need publicity – she dreamed She had fallen in the course of her duties on the 11th of Shevat 5766 (February 9, 2006) in a terrible car accident, and it was a particularly rainy and stormy day, The road is smooth, and the driver of the vehicle, where Zehavit drove, was driving at a speeding speed, near Kibbutz Nachshonim on Highway 6. The driver lost control of the vehicle, Zehavit was killed on the spot, and many thousands accompanied Zehavit, 19, on her way to the military cemetery in Ashdod, leaving her parents, two twin sisters and her brother.

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