Zimzon, Uri

Zimzon, Uri

Son of Herta and Avraham, was born on the 28th of Sivan, June 24, 1930 in the city Danzig. He received a Zionist education and was a member of the Maccabi movement. Two years after his father’s death, in January 1939, Uri immigrated to Israel with his mother and sister, and they settled in Tel Aviv. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, Uri volunteered to serve and on December 26, 1947 he enlisted in full service and was sent to Palmach training in Ein Harod. Uri moved to Netanya, to a national paramedics course, and later took part in operations “Nachshon”, in the Jerusalem hills, Castel and the Latrun battles. In Zrifin, on July 2, 1948, he was wounded while training when an anti-tank gun exploded and shrapnel hit him. Three days later a on the 26th of Sivan 5708 (July 3, 1948) Uri died from his wounds at Hadassah Hospital in Tel Aviv. Uri was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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