Zimmerman, Abraham

Zimmerman, Abraham

Son of-Ester-Feiga and Yehoshua was born on June 18, 1928, in the city of Parmpol near Lublin, Poland, and after the outbreak of World War II, the family moved to Russia, and in 1945, after six years of suffering and poverty, they all returned to Poland. Avraham joined the “Dror” kibbutz, where he spent two years, and immigrated to Israel on the illegal immigrant ship “Pavia” in 1948. Immediately after joining the army he served in the Harel Brigade during the War of Independence, Horev “to remove the Egyptian army from Israel, went down with the brigade to the south, and on the end of the operation, its battalion was forced to occupy the positions of the Rafiah junction, which fell on the 5th of Tevet 5709 (6.1.1949). He left a wife, Itka. His son, who was born after his fall, was named after him. A monument in his memory was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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