Zilka, Eitan

Zilka, Eitan

Eitan, son of Eliahu HaCohen and Aliza Zilka, was born on January 18, 1946 in the city of Basra, Iraq. In 1951, the family immigrated to Israel and Eitan began to study at an elementary school in Nes Ziona. He was drafted into the IDF in January 1965. He was very devoted to his family and took care of them when he was in the army. From his various letters, and especially from the last ones, one can see that he found satisfaction in the role he played in the IDF, but while he was in regular service on the 24th of Tishrei 5727 (October 8, 1966), he fell in the line of duty and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery In Nes Ziona.

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