Zigelstein, Israel-Gershon

Zigelstein, Israel-Gershon

Israel-Gershon (Isidor-Shui), son of Frieda and Isaac (Isaac), a Holocaust survivor, was born on November 13, 1946 in Nassau, Romania, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1963. Israel was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early September 1965 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed a tank course, a tank commander course, an officers’ course, and an officer training course, where he served as a good officer. He has the ability to control his people, a devoted and responsible attitude to his subordinates. He has the ability to train and explain, to have a good tactical approach and to be able to navigate. He is very disciplined and loyal, quiet, willing and resourceful. “He never complained about the difficult army life, and even when he went on patrols he was able to relieve his fatigue by looking at the landscapes around him – in nature, in life and in silence. He was awarded the “Six Day War.” Several times, during his regular army service, his service was postponed to enable him to study at the university, and after his discharge from compulsory service, Gershon continued his studies at the Hebrew University in mathematics and physics. Morio: “He had a good-hearted personality, adhering to mission H. And a surprising lack of willingness to compromise in the face of difficulties. Israel refused to recognize limitations of time or ability to implement. He was willing, without reservation, to help his friends at work. “Israel was a peaceful man by nature, easygoing, with a warm Lev and a sense of trust for every human being, he had intellectual integrity, he did not like to pretend, He was always a good friend to his friends and always found an hour of leisure for anyone who wanted to use his advice or action, and he loved the splendor of nature and the landscapes of Jerusalem. Married his girlfriend Ilana to a wife, loved his family and played with his son Alon, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out, Israel was drafted and sent with his unit to Haz And on October 10, 1973, near Tel Fares, was hit by shrapnel from a shell and killed at the site. And said p”I did not see his face and I did not hear his voice, but he filled all my instructions with perfection and devotion, above and beyond what was expected. He was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. He left behind a wife and son, father, mother and sister. His second son, who was born after he fell,

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