Ziegler, Arthur

Ziegler, Arthur

Son of Carl. He was born in 1896 in Germany and immigrated to Israel in 1933. He joined the British Army at the beginning of World War II and joined the Operations Unit of the Engineers Corps, serving briefly in Egypt, in 1941. At the end of April 1941, the British army surrendered to the Germans and most of its members were captured, including Arthur, who was taken prisoner for four months, and then led to Germany. On the day of the 16th of Adar 5705 (March 1, 1945) he died in Hulio, and was brought to eternal rest in the British military cemetery in Hannover, Germany E. He left behind a wife and a son. His name was immortalized in The Book of Volunteerism “and the “Book of the Year Conference” 5706. An investigation conducted in 2017 found that the date of his death was March 1, 1945, the 16th of Adar 5705. His resting place is in Hannover, Germany. Gravity Location Score 15F7 Unit cRoyalcEngineersc Rank cSapper

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