Zidan, Fouad

Zidan, Fouad

Son of Salameh and Kamal. He was born on 24 July 1968 in the village of Beit Jann. He attended state elementary school and continued high school, both in Beit Jann. Fuad was the eldest son of his parents. He was two years old when the family moved to Eilat and soon became fond of his friends in the kindergarten and the kindergarten teacher. At the age of five, the Yom Kippur War broke out. His father, who was drafted into a long reserve service, decided to transfer the family to be among their family members. During this difficult period, Fuad had strong ties with his family and it was difficult for him to part from them and return to Eilat. From that time on, the boy did all he could to get the family back to Beit Jann and finally persuaded his parents to return to the village. In 1976, the family returned to Beit Jann and Fuad was well integrated into elementary school and elementary school. Fuad was a devoted son who supported his parents and brother, loved by his family and friends. He loved sports and belonged to the local sports organization in Beit Jann. Although young, he understood the importance of promoting sports in the village and was very active in this field. He excelled in karate, bodybuilding and running, and as a boy was sent to the Gadna training course in the summer. When he grew up, he devoted his spare time to the culture of bodybuilding, and to that end he went to Haifa and practiced there. Fuad prepared to establish a body development institute after his military service and began to purchase sports equipment for this purpose. Fuad was drafted into the IDF in May 1986. After basic training he joined a Border Police unit. He loved the unit and had many friends among its members. On January 6, 1987, he fell during his service and was put to rest in the cemetery in Beit Jan. Survived by his parents, two brothers – Saleh and Yaiman and a sister – Najia. Two years later his sister Fida was born. His brother Salah fell in Lebanon in 1996

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