Zichler, Yitzchak

Zichler, Yitzchak

Son of Friedel and Yitzhak, was born in 1910 in the city of Prampol, Lublin district, Poland, after his father’s death and was named after him. The widow made a small living in the market, raised her two orphans with great effort and gave them a Jewish and general education in the “cheder” and in the elementary school, and helped her to support the household. Yitzhak organized himself with poor people like him in “Free Scouts” and then at Freiheit and tried to complete his education by reading books. He did not know the joy of childhood in his life until many years later, in the life of his four children. In 1936 he immigrated to Israel and joined Kibbutz Ramat Rachel. He worked in the Dead Sea, in the porterage, in the building, in the customs, and finally found his place and his satisfaction in working in the cowshed and compensating for his suffering and the days he worked with the happiness of his family. On April 22, 1948, the day of the Arab Legion’s attack on Ramat Rahel, he was standing at a firing porthole on a roof The main building and its precise bullets hit the enemy, until he was hit by a bullet in his mouth and for fifteen minutes it seemed that he had fallen asleep from exhaustion after work in the cowshed, but was not brought up in the cemetery at Ramat Rachel.was one of the first two victims of Ramat Rahel In the book “Ramat Rachel in Action”.

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