Zeira, Nissim (“Sami”)

Zeira, Nissim (“Sami”)

Son of Avraham and Shulamit. He was born on March 10, 1948, in Baghdad. The capital of Iraq. His birth took place shortly before the establishment of the State of Israel and his parents fled to Persia in June 1949 because his father was preoccupied with Zionism and dealt with them. He immigrated to Israel in 1949 and is then a year old. When he reached school age, he studied at Amirim in Kiryat Yam and completed his studies there, where he also studied at the “Mefalsim” vocational high school. He belonged to the Hanoar Haoved movement. Worked for a short period of time in installing solar water heaters in Haifa Bay. His family was very extensive and financially speaking, his situation was at a low ebb and therefore his military service was postponed for a year. However, Nissim did not agree to this postponement and was drafted into the IDF in November 1965. The days of tension and preparedness before the Six-Day War came within compulsory service, and on the second day of the battles, he fell on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (6.6.1967). Nissim was in contact with a heavy mortar battery, but during the heavy bombardment, the telephone line between the batteries was cut off, despite the constant bombardment, Nissim jumped out of his shelter to repair the telephone line and during his work fell from a direct hit. To be commended by the OC Northern Command for his courage and devotion to the cause And Kiryat Yam.

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