Zeidner, Yitzhak

Zeidner, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Sarah (Zify) and Eliezer (Leo) Zeidner, was born on May 16, 1922 in Tel Aviv. He grew up in Haifa. His father was an engineer in the Department of Public Works in Haifa and was murdered by Arabs during his work during the bloody riots of 1936-1939. The son was hired instead of his father and was given a job as a foreman. He worked, supported his mother and at the same time continued to study. He was kind and honest to all his acquaintances.
With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the Carmeli Brigade. Yitzhak fell in battle in the Mishmar Hayarden area, near Ein a-Tina, on 3 Tamuz, July 10, 1948, during Operation Brosh to liquidate the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area. He is buried in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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