Ze’ev Meir

Ze’ev Meir

Sergeant Major Ze’ev Meir, son of Neshama and Nissan was born on the 4th of Tammuz 5746 (14.6.1964) in Tiberias. Brother of Eli, Herzl, Gideon, Yaffe, Ilana, Zaba, Orna Vigal.

Ze’ev, who was raised and educated in Tiberias, studied in Tiberias, attended the “T-State” and “Amal” high school, on a technological track.

In 1982, he joined the IDF. After serving for about a year as an auto mechanic in the Armed Forces, he moved to the Border Patrol (Border Police).

At the end of his regular service, in 1986, he enlisted in the Israeli police for regular service and returned to the Northern District in the Border Police.

Ze’ev knew Ziva at his mother’s workplace. In 1992, after about a year and a half of marriage, the two married. They set up their home in Tiberias and have two children – Dor and Karin.

He loved his service in the Border Patrol, worked hard and supported his family with respect. Used to share his wife with experiences from the service. At home he was a devoted husband and father, always caring for his wife, caring for and helping his children in every area. He had a very close relationship with his children. They knew that he could be talked to and used in any field. His family has traveled extensively throughout the country – in the Sea of ​​Galilee, close to home, in the settlement, in picnics in the Galilee, and on the Border Patrol.

As a family man, he made sure to maintain good relationships with his extended family. A quiet and good man, connected to religion, tradition and holidays, made sure to put on tefillin every morning. A generous person who loved to donate. He contributed greatly to disadvantaged families, most often in secret and only after his death did the family find out about it from the police.

Ze’ev was a very sporty person, running many miles in the morning and not once running from home to Kinneret and back. Not even a sportsman gave up on sports, ran, lifted weights and made sure to keep fit.

For about thirty-five years he served in the Border Police, most of them in field positions in the Northern District and Gush Etzion, and in recent years only moved to serve close to his home. During his service he underwent various courses and was highly regarded and awarded certificates of excellence for being a role model in his operational activities and his great contribution.

Senior Sergeant Ze’ev Meir fell while performing his duties on Tu Elul Day (26.8.2018).at the age of 54. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Tiberias. Left a wife, son and daughter, four sisters and two brothers.

Ze’ev is commemorated at the last base where he served, the Northern District headquarters in Gan-Ner, Gilboa, where his name was carved in a parochet in the synagogue. He is also perpetuated in the Yad LaBanim in Tiberias, on the Border Police memorial site at the Iron City and on the police site at the Police College in Beit Shemesh.

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