Zchut, Israel

Zchut, Israel

Son of Khalifa and Media. He was born on the 17th of Shevat 5708 (16.1.1948) in Metar, Tunisia, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. He studied at the elementary school in Moshav Yanuv and at the Bar Ilan High School in Netanya, where he grew up in a traditional home and his parents loved him He grew up in a home that was filled with an atmosphere of work, tradition, morality and humility, and he devoted his time to both prayer and study without one thing being at the expense of the other. Calmly, he respected his parents and rose before his master. “The director of the school in Yanav wrote that he was always willing to accept any task and complete it, both for the school and for the synagogue in the moshav, to remember the manager, the planting in the courtyard of the synagogue and the happiness he saw Israel was drafted into the IDF in February 1967 and served in the army as a model for the students of the school. In his seat, as in their civilian life, and to this day he is remembered by all. On the 24th of March 1975, he fell on the Suez Canal in an Egyptian attack. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in the moshav. The moshav planted a grove in his memory next to his house and it is called Yad LaBanim, and a monument was erected there.

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