Zaribi, Ze’ev (‘Gilo’)

Zaribi, Ze’ev (‘Gilo’)

Son of Eli and Germain. He was born on June 9, 1956, in Tunis. He immigrated to Israel with his family in 1956, and was then four months old. Ze’ev studied at the Shavei Zion elementary school in Jaffa. Afterward, he completed his studies at the College of Electronics High School in Tel Aviv. At the end of his studies he successfully completed his matriculation exams and was awarded the title of Qualified Technician. Was an accepted boy in society, and his circle of friends was great. He was pleasant and liked by everyone around him. Ze’ev was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in May 1974 and assigned to the Artillery Corps, where he was sent to an artillery unit as a field artillery officer: “Since joining the unit, he has joined forces with the soldiers and acquired many friends for his good qualities. He was friendly, and his spirit of volunteerism was remarkable. This spirit came to light even when he was able to move to another unit, and being aware of the needs of his unit, he preferred to remain there until the end of his service. He performed his work with love and goodwill and helped all those around him. “On December 18, 1976, he fell to the military section of the cemetery in Holon and left behind his parents and brother.

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