Zanenblit, Avraham-Abba

Zanenblit, Avraham-Abba

Avraham Abba Zanenblit, the only son of Devorah and Yisrael, was born on July 28, 1962 in the city of Lublin, Poland. In 1940 Avraham Abba and his father immigrated to Israel and they continued to work in carpentry. Avraham Abba immediately joined the Hagana and took part in its activities. During World War II, he volunteered for the Jewish Brigade and after his discharge, he returned to work and served in the Hagana. From the beginning of the War of Independence Avraham Abba participated in activities in the Tel Aviv area as a combatant in the Givati ​Brigade. He was chosen for a brigade commanders’ course and went down with the brigade to the southern front, His father’s efforts were aimed at transferring him to a non-combat role (he was the remnant of a large exterminated family), but he refused. During the first truce, the Egyptians attacked Beit Daras with great force, but were repulsed, and on that day, on Rosh Hodesh Tamuz, August 8, 1948, Avraham fell. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Beer Tuvia. The hill on which he fell was named after him: “the Avraham outpost.”

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