Zalts, Zvi (Tsvi’ka)

Zalts, Zvi (Tsvi’ka)

Zvi Shoson of Shoshana and Avraham was born on July 15, 1954, in Tel Aviv. He studied at the “Hahayal” elementary school and continued his studies at the “Shevach” high school in Tel Aviv, with the aim of mechanical frameworks. Zvika absorbed the love of the land In his parents’ home. He would hear from his father, a member of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, about the days before the establishment of the state and the war against the British, the War of Independence, the Sinai Campaign and the Six-Day War. His mother, one of the founders of Nahal Oz, planted the love of the land on him, and he was kind, sociable and easy to make friends, optimistic and cheerful. Even in times of distress, was loyal and devoted to his parents and gave them great respect. Zvi was recruited to the IDF in early 1972 and volunteered for the Armored Corps. After completing his basic training, he completed a course in the “Patton” tank course. His commanders say that he was one of the most talented soldiers in the battalion. Zvi never complained about the difficult training, helped his friends and performed efficiently and meticulously every task assigned to him. For his participation in operational activities he was awarded the “Operational Service Award”. The Yom Kippur War found Zvi stationed in the Sinai and he entered a storm of battle against the Egyptians. On the afternoon of the 6th of Tishrei 5740 (October 6, 1973), Zvi fell in a battle that took place north of the Mitla road, near the stronghold of “Mifcach.” His tank tried to locate targets, and suddenly the tank was hit by an anti-tank shell. The tank commander was killed on the spot, and Zvi was hit by shrapnel in his chest and hand. In an attempt to rescue the tank, the tank commander of the company was also hit. Zvi was taken to the battalion’s collection station but died on the way from his wounds. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He was survived by a father, a mother, and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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