Zalmanov, Ron

Zalmanov, Ron

Ron, son of Rachel and Joseph, was born in Haifa on October 23, 1949. Ron was drafted into the IDF at the end of November 1967 and assigned to the Artillery Corps. After completing basic training, he was sent to a training course for officers, and completed an officer’s course and an artillery officer course, and was trained in an air force course, and was finally assigned to an artillery unit in Sinai. In the Suez Canal area, he completed his matriculation exams and enrolled in Tel Aviv University and completed two years of study in a measurement program He paid his studies for the salary he received in return for his work as a contractor in a contracting company, and Ron participated in the Yom Kippur War In the battle for containment against the Egyptians on the Sinai front On October 13, 1973, he commanded a cannon battery in the Sinai, and the battery was bombed by the enemy planes, and he hurried to organize and encourage his subordinates, who dispersed in the field and needed his quiet leadership. Was hurt and died of his wounds on his way to the hospital, and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, where he was followed by his parents,

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