Zagorodski, Emanuel

Zagorodski, Emanuel

Son of Hannah and Ze’ev. He was born on the 23rd of Iyar (14.5.1909) in the city of Simferopol in the Crimea, Russia. His family was known as a family of rabbis, intellectuals, writers and activists. His parents’ home was a center for activists of the Zionist Organization, Tzeirei Zion, Hechalutz, etc. In this atmosphere, the boy was educated until he reached the age of mitzva, and the family immigrated to Israel in 1923 and Emmanuel began his studies at the Herzliya Gymnasium in Tel Aviv. He completed his high school studies and joined the Haganah almost without the knowledge of his family, and he completed his academic education in Toulouse, France, where he became a chemical engineer. Upon his return he was asked by the potash factory to work in the Dead Sea Works. He answered and even moved to live there, cultivating his house and garden around. On his way from Jerusalem to his place of work, on 7 Sivan (25.5.1939), Emanuel was murdered in an ambush by Arab rioters. He was buried in the Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem. He left behind a wife and a daughter.

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